The Council considered the report of the Leader of the Council relating to the Revenue Budget and Council Tax Setting for 2024/25.
The report indicated that, in setting the level of Council Tax for 2024/2025, it was necessary to consider the requirements of the Council Tax Collection Fund for 2024/2025. This incorporated the District Council’s Council Tax Requirement, Parish Council Precepts and the Council Tax requirements of Nottinghamshire County Council, the Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner and the Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service.
The Cabinet, at its meeting held on 20 February 2024, recommended that the District Council’s Council Tax Requirement for 2024/25, excluding Parish Council precepts, should be £19,878.850 as detailed in the Council’s Budget Book for 2024/2025.
It was reported that all Parish Council precepts had been received. Parish precepts totalled £3,880,857.65.
Nottinghamshire County Council had set a precept on Newark & Sherwood District Council’s Collection fund for 2024/2025 of £76,858,275. The Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner had set a precept on Newark & Sherwood District Council's Collection fund for 2024/2025 of £12,000,333 and the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service had proposed a precept on Newark & Sherwood District Council’s Collection fund for 2024/2025 of £3,921,861.
In accordance with Rule 3.4.3 (b) written notice had been received that an amendment would be proposed and seconded. Councillor R Holloway accordingly proposed and Councillor J Kellas seconded that “Council approves:
1) As outlined in 3.1 of the proposals that the revenue estimates for 2024/25 and schedule of fees and charges, as submitted in the Council’s budget book are approved subject to the following changes as outlined below:-
a) Council Tax bands be set at an increase of 1.94% on 2023/24 values;
b) Paragraph 3.27 of the budget book - “Music and Art” extra budget request be reduced from £95,000 to £15,000 hence a reduction in budget of £80,000; and
c) Paragraph 3.27 of the budget book – “Other changes” extra budget request be reduced from £40,308 to £35,678 hence a reduction in budget of £4,630.
A saving of £84,630 as required for the reduced Council Tax of 1.94%.
2) Proposal (g) will change to £8,201,400 being the amount of 3 (c) less the amount 3(d) plus the amount at 3 (e) less the amount of 3 (f) calculated by the Council as its net Council Tax requirement for the year;
3) Proposal (h) will change to £192.83 being the amount at 3 (g) divided by the amount at 2 (a) calculated by the Council in accordance with section 34 (2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item relates; and
4) Proposal (j) will change to £284.08 being the amount at 3 (g) above plus the amount at 3 (i) above divided by the amount at 2 (a) above calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31B (1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year.”
Members debated the proposed amendment and in being put to the vote, it was lost with 14 votes for and 22 against.
In accordance with Procedure Rule No. 5.4, a recorded vote was taken as follows:
Councillor |
Vote |
Neil Allen |
For |
Adrian Amer |
Against |
Alice Brazier |
Against |
Lee Brazier |
Against |
Celia Brooks |
Against |
Irene Brown |
For |
Rowan Cozens |
Against |
Susan Crosby |
Against |
Phil Farmer |
For |
Simon Forde |
Against |
Andy Freeman |
Against |
Jean Hall |
Against |
Peter Harris |
Against |
Simon Haynes |
For |
Rhona Holloway |
For |
Roger Jackson |
For |
Jack Kellas |
For |
Johno Lee |
For |
Keith Melton |
Against |
Sylvia Michael |
For |
David Moore |
Against |
Emma Oldham |
Against |
Paul Peacock |
Against |
Claire Penny |
Against |
Mike Pringle |
Against |
Penny Rainbow |
For |
Neil Ross |
Against |
Sue Saddington |
For |
Maurice Shakeshaft |
Against |
Tom Smith |
For |
Matthew Spoors |
Against |
Paul Taylor |
Against |
Tina Thompson |
Against |
Linda Tift |
Against |
Timothy Wendels |
For |
Tim Wildgust |
For |
The Council considered the substantive motion proposed by Councillor P Peacock and seconded by Councillor R Cozzens and it was AGREED (with 22 votes for and 14 against) that the recommendations as set out in the report and attached as Appendix B to these minutes be approved.
In accordance with Procedure Rule No. 5.6.1, a recorded vote was taken as follows:
Councillor |
Vote |
Neil Allen |
Against |
Adrian Amer |
For |
Alice Brazier |
For |
Lee Brazier |
For |
Celia Brooks |
For |
Irene Brown |
Against |
Rowan Cozens |
For |
Susan Crosby |
For |
Phil Farmer |
Against |
Simon Forde |
For |
Andy Freeman |
For |
Jean Hall |
For |
Peter Harris |
For |
Simon Haynes |
Against |
Rhona Holloway |
Against |
Roger Jackson |
Against |
Jack Kellas |
Against |
Johno Lee |
Against |
Keith Melton |
For |
Sylvia Michael |
Against |
David Moore |
For |
Emma Oldham |
For |
Paul Peacock |
For |
Claire Penny |
For |
Mike Pringle |
For |
Penny Rainbow |
Against |
Neil Ross |
For |
Sue Saddington |
Against |
Maurice Shakeshaft |
For |
Tom Smith |
Against |
Matthew Spoors |
For |
Paul Taylor |
For |
Tina Thompson |
For |
Linda Tift |
For |
Timothy Wendels |
Against |
Tim Wildgust |
Against |
Supporting documents: