Agenda item

Presentation by the Leader of the Council - Councillor Paul Peacock


The Committee considered the presentation delivered by the Leader of the Council, Councillor Paul Peacock, Portfolio Holder for Strategy, Performance & Finance.  He provided Members with details of the remit for his portfolio together with information as to the latest position with the East Midlands Council’s and East Midlands Combined Authority devolution.  He also provided the Council’s framework, detailing delivery themes; connecting aims; objectives; and outcomes.


He stated that the East Midlands Council’s Combined Authority would offer opportunities for funding with the first year being focussed on transport.  He added that he represented the whole of the district, and that part of that role was to determine how best Newark & Sherwood could benefit from the new Authority.


In considering the presentation a Member welcomed the appointment of a Mayor and the opportunities for additional funding.  In noting there had been a shortfall in commercialisation, he queried what measures the Leader had taken in the first year to resolve that issue.  In response the Leader advised that it was an ongoing process.  Ways in which the Council could reduce expenditure or increase income were constantly monitored, noting that government funding of local authorities had reduced significantly from previous years.  He acknowledged that the Council needed to be more commercial, noting that that had been the reason for the establishment of Arkwood Developments Ltd.  He advised that the Transformation Team would continue to review ways to increase income, noting that local government finances were volatile at present, but that Newark & Sherwood were well placed in comparison to some other local authorities.


In response to whether he had any intention to revise the allocation of responsibilities within each portfolio, the Leader acknowledged that his portfolio did appear to be larger than some of the others and that it was his intention to review that, noting that some of the newer portfolios would grow organically over time.  He added that he was in discussions with the Business Manager – Democratic Services in relation to how the committee cycle facilitated decision making.


A Member queried whether the decision to stop ‘days of action’ had been due to budget issues.  In response, the Business Manager – Regeneration & Housing Strategy advised that they were still going ahead, but rather than the Council leading on them, it was now community led with the Leader adding that he was pleased to see the Council engaging with community groups.


In relation to the issue of the Council’s previous commitment to be a paper-light authority some years previously, a Member noted that little appeared to have changed.  The Leader acknowledged that it was sometimes difficult to be totally paperless but that the matter perhaps needed to be reviewed.


In noting the current number of vacancies, a Member queried what plans the Leader had to fill those roles.  In response, the Leader advised that he was speaking with the Chief Executive with a view to undertaking a Pay Review. 


In response to when the Kerbside Glass Recycling would commence, the Leader confirmed that bins were currently being delivered to households and that they could begin using them immediately.  The collection of glass would commence on 8 April 2024. 


In referring to the devolution deal, a Member expressed concern that county functions may be devolved upwards and queried how that could be counteracted.  In response, the Leader advised that the Council needed to make the process of investing in Newark & Sherwood as simple as possible.  The Council needed to explain their needs and what the benefits would be if investment was allocated.  Any bid for investment must be well rounded and balanced.


In closing the debate, the Chair thanked the Leader for his attendance and for responding to queries raised by the Committee.