The Council considered the joint report of the Deputy Chief Executive, Director – Resources and Section 151 Officer and Director – Housing, Health & Wellbeing which set out the proposed income and expenditure on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget for the 2024/25 financial year, provided indicative amounts of income and expenditure for the 2025/26 to 2027/28 financial years; and sought approval for rent levels and service charges for 2024/25 (with effect from the first Monday in April 2024) as detailed in Appendices A, B and C to the report.
The Cabinet, at their meeting held on 23 January 2024, recommended approval of the HRA budget for 2024/25, with an increase of 7.7% on rents of all properties in the HRA, and service charges as detailed.
Councillor L Brazier moved and Councillor P Peacock seconded the recommendations as set out in the report, which reflected the recommendations made by the Cabinet.
Councillor T Wendels moved and Councillor R Holloway seconded an amendment that Council approve:
a) an increase of 6.7% in the 2024/25 rents of all properties in the HRA as at 31 March 2024 be applied from 1 April 2024;
b) the 2024/25 service charges, as set out in Appendix C to the Report; and
c) the HRA budget for 2024/25, as set out in Appendix A with the exception of the income which will be reduced by £244,100 due to the level of rent increase set out at a) above and funded by an equivalent reduction in the revenue contribution to the Major Repairs Reserve.
Members debated the proposed amendment, and in accordance with Rule 5.4 a recorded vote was taken as follows:
Councillor |
Vote |
Neil Allen |
For |
Lee Brazier |
Against |
Celia Brooks |
Against |
Irene Brown |
For |
Rowan Cozens |
Against |
Susan Crosby |
Against |
Linda Dales |
For |
Debbie Darby |
Against |
Phil Farmer |
For |
Simon Forde |
Against |
Andrew Freeman |
Against |
Jean Hall |
Against |
Peter Harris |
Against |
Simon Haynes |
For |
Rhona Holloway |
For |
Roger Jackson |
For |
Keith Melton |
Against |
Sylvia Michael |
For |
David Moore |
Against |
Emma Oldham |
Against |
Paul Peacock |
Against |
Claire Penny |
Against |
Mike Pringle |
Against |
Penny Rainbow |
For |
Neil Ross |
Against |
Sue Saddington |
For |
Maurice Shakeshaft |
Against |
Tom Smith |
For |
Matthew Spoors |
Against |
Paul Taylor |
Against |
Tina Thompson |
Against |
Linda Tift |
Against |
Tim Wendels |
For |
Tim Wildgust |
For |
The amendment was declared lost, with 13 votes for and 21 against.
The Council considered the substantive motion and it was AGREED with 21 votes and 13 against that the Council approve:
a) the HRA budget for 2024/25, as set out in Appendix A to the report;
b) an increase of 7.7% in the 2024/25 rents of all properties in the HRA as of 31 March 2024, to be applied from 1 April 2024; and
c) the 2024/25 service charges, as set out in Appendix C to the report.
In accordance with Rule 5.4, a recorded vote was taken as follows:
Councillor |
Vote |
Neil Allen |
Against |
Lee Brazier |
For |
Celia Brooks |
For |
Irene Brown |
Against |
Rowan Cozens |
For |
Susan Crosby |
For |
Linda Dales |
Against |
Debbie Darby |
For |
Phil Farmer |
Against |
Simon Forde |
For |
Andrew Freeman |
For |
Jean Hall |
For |
Peter Harris |
For |
Simon Haynes |
Against |
Rhona Holloway |
Against |
Roger Jackson |
Against |
Keith Melton |
For |
Sylvia Michael |
Against |
David Moore |
For |
Emma Oldham |
For |
Paul Peacock |
For |
Claire Penny |
For |
Mike Pringle |
For |
Mrs Penny Rainbow |
Against |
Neil Ross |
For |
Sue Saddington |
Against |
Maurice Shakeshaft |
For |
Tom Smith |
Against |
Matthew Spoors |
For |
Paul Taylor |
For |
Tina Thompson |
For |
Linda Tift |
For |
Tim Wendels |
Against |
Tim Wildgust |
Against |
Supporting documents: