Agenda item

Air Quality Monitoring in Newark & Sherwood


The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Public Protection which provided Members with an overview of Air Quality requirements and how air quality was monitored and managed within the district. 


The report set out the legislative requirements which the Council operated under in relation to air quality.  The report was comprehensive and covered diffusion tubes, particulate matter, smoke control areas, environmental permitting and the role as a statutory consultee in planning applications.


It also explained a county wide approach which would see a bid to DEFRA for grant funding to undertake wider real time monitoring, including particulate matter.


In considering the report Members commented on a number of items and raised a number of queries. 


A Member raised the changing guidelines of acceptable levels of particulate matter, and the seriousness of particulate matter in air quality which is known to be a significant contributor to mortality rates. The Member acknowledged the need for a county wide validated approach where the data could be relied upon and supported the approach.


A Member queried whether the Council were the only district within Nottinghamshire that did not have real time air quality monitors, the closest being situated in Netherfield. The Business Manager agreed to review this and to report back. 


Members also queried whether it was timely to review the Smoke Control Areas in the district which traditionally had been areas associated with coal mining.  The Business Manager advised that any changes to the current Smoke Control Areas would need to be taken by Cabinet as it would be a key decision with potential legal and likely financial implications.  A Member expressed concern about the use of wood burners, noting that they were considered to be more polluting than a diesel car.  She acknowledged that there were restrictions on what could be burnt, querying whether this was monitored and enforced.  The Business Manager advised that if complaints were received within a Smoke Control Area there were powers to address the issue, however if it was outside of those areas the Council was limited in its powers. The Business Manager stressed that educating users as to what they could burn was the first step rather than enforcement.  Members expressed concern over this inequality, suggesting that it should be rectified if possible, the Business Manager would take this away but indicated that it is currently unknown what the financial and resource implications of this would be, this would need to be investigated.


In response to whether the diffusion tubes were mobile, the Business Manager advised that they were fixed locations to give a continuity of the readings.  She added that it was proposed to visit locations in the District with the relevant Portfolio Holders, noting that any new tubes must be located in a residential and traffic area and that it was subject to strict DEFRA guidance procedures. 


In response to how a location for a diffusion tube was chosen and whether any additional tubes would need to be purchased, the Business Manager advised that as long as DEFRA’s guidance was followed, it was within the Council’s gift to choose the location, using local knowledge and that as part of the funding bid to DEFRA, the need for purchasing additional tubes would be included within that. 


In noting the proposed Anti-Idling Campaign, a Member suggested that this also include the promotion of walking to school, adding that the public needed to be educated on the consequences of leaving their vehicles running. 


In closing the debate, the Chair noted that all Members agreed that the education of people as to the consequences of what their actions were in relation to air quality was key. 


AGREED      (unanimously) that:


a)            the work undertaken by Newark & Sherwood District Council in monitoring Air Quality across the District be noted;


b)            the creation of the Anti-Idling Campaign be supported; and


c)             the countywide DEFRA bid submission in 2024 to include particulate monitoring be supported.

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