Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, NG24 1BY. View directions
Contact: Helen Bayne Email:
No. | Item |
Notification to those present that the meeting will be recorded and streamed online |
Declarations of Interest from Members and Officers |
Minutes from the previous meeting held on 10 September 2024 |
Review of Exempt Items Decision: AGREED that the Executive Shareholder Committee note the report, with any items being released into the public domain if considered no longer exempt by report authors. |
Active4Today Performance Quarter 2 Additional documents:
Decision: AGREED that the Executive Shareholder Committee note the performance of Active4Today up to period 6, 2024-25.
Arkwood Developments Performance Quarter 2 Additional documents: Decision: AGREED that Members note the Arkwood Performance Report (attached as the Appendix to the report) and consider company’s performance against its targets and objectives highlighting any areas of high performance and identifying areas for improvement. |