Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Newark and Sherwood DC Offices
Contact: Karen Langford Email:
No. | Item | ||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies received from Councillor D Martin and Councillor A Abrahams.
Councillor C Whitby attended as substitute for Councillor A Abrahams.
Appointment of Chairman In accordance with the Constitution the offices of Chairman and Vice Chairman shall, in successive years, rotate between the three constituent authorities. The Chairman for 2021/22 will be a Member from Ashfield District Council. Minutes: In accordance with the Constitution the offices of Chairman and Vice Chairman shall, in successive years, rotate between the three constituent authorities. The Chairman for 2021/22 to be a Member from Ashfield District Council.
The outgoing Chairman, Councillor A Burgin invited Ashfield District Council to nominate a Chairman for this year.
Councillor H Smith nominated Councillor T Hollis who then accepted the role.
Appointment of Vice Chairman The Vice Chairman for 2021/22 will be a Member from Newark and Sherwood District Council. Minutes: The Vice Chairman for 2021/22 to be a Member from Newark and Sherwood District Council.
The newly elected Chairman, Councillor Hollis invited Newark & Sherwood District Council to nominate a Vice-Chairman for this year.
Councillor T Smith nominated Councillor Mrs L Hurst who then accepted the role.
Declarations of interest by Members and Officers Minutes: Councillor A Burgin declared a personal interest as an employee of Ashfield District Council.
Declarations of intent to record the meeting Minutes: NOTED that no intention to record the meeting was declared apart from through the usual web platforms.
Minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2021 Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 22 February 2021 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Operations Update Report Additional documents:
Capital Works Programme Report Additional documents:
Minutes: The report provided an update on the provision of the new Abatement Equipment (MAE) and other capital projects at the crematorium including plans for major refurbishment works of all public and staff areas. The report was read in conjunction with the exempt report attached to the agenda.
The Crematorium and Cemeteries Manager and Registrar went through the report, providing background to the Mercury Abatement Equipment along with an update, the report also referred to the Roof Works, Major Refurbishment Works (including Car Park Lighting).
The Chairman highlighted that those attending Officer Meetings were to brief Members following these meetings having taken place and that the Members are the ones making the decisions.
A vote was taken by Committee Members, 5 voted For and 2 Abstained.
AGREED that:
i) members approve the setting up of Officer Meetings to discuss further details of works at the crematorium to then share all this information with their respective Members. This allows works to progress more quickly rather than waiting for Member meetings to take place throughout the year; and
ii) the committee approve a further budget for associated works as described in section 4 of the update on MAE.
Annual Statement of Accounts 2020/2021 Additional documents:
Minutes: The report presented the annual report and statement of accounts for 2020/2021 showing the committee’s financial position as at the 31 March 2021 and the revenue and capital activity during the financial year.
The Treasurer of the Mansfield and District Joint Crematorium Committee informed the meeting that this was a statutory document providing the financial activity for April 2020 to March 2021, having been approved by Assurance Lincolnshire.
The Chairman and Treasurer signed off the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for 2020/2021.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
i) The statement of accounts as presented in Appendix A for the financial year 2020/2021 is approved;
ii) The 2020/2021 budgeted surplus distribution as detailed in Appendix A, pages 8 & 9, 3.6, is approved;
iii) The £506,166 capital budget for replacement abatement equipment and associated works, as detailed in 3.7, to be carried forward into 2021/2022 is approved;
iv) The £8,000 capital budget for car park lighting works, as detailed in 3.8, to be carried forward into 2021/2022 is approved;
v) A £1,148 capital budget is approved for 2021/2022, as detailed in 3.9, to finance the retention payment for the roof repair works; and
vi) The detailed revenue and capital information provided in Appendix C, is for noting only. |
Committee Work Programme Minutes: The report considered the committee work programme.
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman requested reports for the September meeting on the following:
· Procurement Process above an agreed amount for committee approval · Climate Change Pension Fund Statement
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: Monday, 20 September 2021