Agenda and minutes

Mansfield and District Crematorium Joint Committee - Monday, 7th September, 2020 10.00 am

Venue: Mansfield District Council Offices

Contact: Karen Langford  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


None received.


Declarations of interest by Members and Officers


Councillor A Burgin declared a personal interest as an employee of Ashfield District Council.


Declarations of intent to record the meeting


NOTED that no intention to record the meeting was declared apart from through the usual web platforms.


Minutes of the meeting held on 24 February 2020 pdf icon PDF 233 KB


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 February 2020 were approved as a correct record.


Operations Update Report pdf icon PDF 241 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Abrahams led those at the meeting in their appreciation of the work carried out by those working at the Crematorium it had been an emotional rollercoaster and gave heartfelt thanks.  Councillor Abrahams went on to give the Committee’s condolences to family, friends and work colleagues on the sad passing of Sally Curtis who will be remembered for her dedication and hard work over the years.  The meeting followed with a minute’s silence.


The report provided an update on the staff restructure and current operational issues, referring to Appendices 1 and 2 providing the old and new structure charts.


The Committee were advised that the restructure had progressed well and the recruitment of posts were in place with those either having started or due to start.  The Committee were advised that the recruitment for Sally’s position is currently being progressed.


Councillor Hurst then enquired as to how many additional funerals had taken place this year with a response to be provided for the next meeting.




i)        The Members noted the report.



Financial Management Review 1 April - 31 July 2020 pdf icon PDF 279 KB


The report provided a forecasted year end position for the 2020/2021 financial year for the Mansfield Crematorium as at 31 July 2020.


The Committee discussed the report choosing in future to move the crematorium figures from this report to the Operations Update Report.


In the report author’s absence the Committee were advised of the financial position to 31 July 2020 and going forward projecting for the remainder of the year.  The Committee were advised if they had any queries they could contact the report author on her return, receiving a written response in writing.


AGREED (unanimously):


i)     The financial information provided in appendix 1 and table 4 was noted.


ii)    The revenue budget increases of £5,000 for webcasting expenditure identified in 3.1.3 and (£7,500) for webcasting fee income identified in 3.1.5 was approved.



Provision of New Mercury Abatement Equipment pdf icon PDF 258 KB


The report provided an update to the Committee on the provision of the new Mercury Abatement Equipment (MAE).


Committee Members raised concerns about the overall costs for the project. 


The Committee concluded it was not in a position to approve the additional funding requested until more information was provided.


   AGREED (unanimously):


i)                    To defer this report until full costings have been provided for consideration by the Committee.



Planned Preventative Works Programme pdf icon PDF 227 KB



The report provided an update on the Planned Preventative Works Programme to fully review and to carry out an updated asset survey by the end of September with updated estimated costs by the end of October.


The Committee were advised that the budget setting process had been delayed due to Covid-19 and to be taken into consideration when progressing next year’s budget.




AGREED (unanimously):


i)        That the Planned Preventative Works programmed is fully reviewed and a new asset survey is carried out together with estimated costs.



Urgency Decisions and Crematorium Updates pdf icon PDF 234 KB

Additional documents:


The report provided the Committee with the urgency decisions that had been taken in light of the Covid-19 Pandemic with respect to the Mansfield Crematorium revised opening hours, Mansfield Crematorium – Appointment of Chairman and Vice Chairman for 2020/21 and Annual Statement of Accounts 2019/20. 

Updates were also circulated to Members during May and July.




The Members noted the report.


Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 248 KB


The report considered the Joint Committee’s Work Programme populated with standard items as well as including additional reports which would assist the Committee in the management of agendas, scheduling business and forward planning.


The Committee suggested including the Registrar’s recruitment to the work programme as well as the Committee being involved with the recruitment process.  It was noted that the next Committee meeting was not until early December and recruitment for the position would have been carried out by then.


The Operations Update Report was highlighted to be included as a standard item and other items to be added to the programme as identified.


AGREED (unanimously):


i)                    The Work Programme will be included as a standing item in the Joint Committee’s meeting agenda going forward, replacing ‘Matters Arising’ and ‘Any Other Business’.

ii)                  The Joint Committee considered any amendments required to the Work Programme.

iii)                The Work Programme was approved.



Date of Next Meeting


Monday, 7 December 2020