Venue: Castle House, Newark and Sherwood District Council Offices
Contact: Helen Bayne Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Councillor A Abrahams (Vice-Chairman) and Councillor D Martin. |
Declarations of interest by Members and Officers Minutes: Councillor A Burgin declared a personal interest as an employee of Ashfield District Council.
Declarations of intent to record the meeting Minutes: NOTED that no intention to record the meeting was declared.
Minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2020 PDF 244 KB Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 January 2020 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising Minutes: NOTED there were no matters arising.
Financial Management Review April 2019-Jan 2020 PDF 331 KB Minutes: The report showed the forecasted year end position for the 2019/2020 financial year for the Mansfield Crematorium as at 31 January 2020.
The committee were advised that the figures were an improvement on last times with a busy January, having calmed down through February. A restructure will provide recruitment to permanent posts.
i) The financial information provided in appendix 1 and table 3 was noted. ii) The VAT partial exemption calculation update for the 3 constituent authorities in 3.4 was noted.
Minutes: The report provided the committee with a picture of where the crematorium currently is.
It was noted that the way forward between cremations would be hour long intervals rather than 45 minutes, to allow the flow of visitors for each appointment.
The committee highlighted a concern as to the reasoning why as a local crematorium it is not being fully utilised. A suggestion would be to advertise in a newsletter and circulate to funeral directors, the committee Chairman to approve each newsletter before publication.
The committee were informed that another way to advertise would be through the local hospitals, a sample to be provided at the next meeting.
i) That the report be noted. ii) The committee discussed and agreed to provide a report of staffing level comparisons at other sites at the next meeting. iii) The Chairman to approve the newsletter for funeral directors before publication. |
Business Plan for a Commercial Review of the Crematorium Service PDF 227 KB Minutes: The report explained to the committee the rationale for a commercial review of the crematorium service and proposed next steps.
The committee discussed the proposals and were in agreement that a visit to Gedling Crematorium would be beneficial in order to gather ideas.
i) That the joint Committee approves a commercial review of the crematorium service; authority for coordinating an initial high level review to be delegated to Mansfield District Council’s Head of Finance in consultation with the Director and Registrar of the Crematorium. ii) That a progress report be brought to the next meeting of the Joint Committee. iii) Subject to the agreement of Gedling Crematorium, arrangements be made for a visit for members and officers to attend Gedling Crematorium prior to the day of the May meeting.
Funeral Directors Meeting PDF 12 KB Minutes: The report gave an update on the proposal to meet with Funeral Directors and tour the crematorium.
The committee suggested it would be beneficial to provide the survey to the funeral directors when meeting with them after the May meeting.
i) That a group of funeral directors be invited to meet with members of the committee immediately following the May meeting of the Joint Committee. ii) That there is an open invitation to all members of the Joint Committee to visit the crematorium, but that a formal visit will take place prior to the day of the May meeting. iii) That feedback from the meeting and visit will feed into the commercial review.
Minutes: The report updated the Joint Committee on the proposed timelines for work relating to the abatement equipment to ensure operation in accordance with Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 which are made under the Pollution, Prevention and Control Act 1999 and cascaded down to crematoria under the Process Guidance Notes PG5/2 (12).
The committee were aware that the actual costings would not be known until the equipment is removed to ascertain if there is any damage to the roof.
i) That the report is noted for information only. ii) To bring a further report to the next meeting providing a breakdown of figures in the budget.
Minutes: AGREED
i) That the Joint Committee agrees to offer Funeral Directors the opportunity to recycle any pacemakers they remove to prior to cremation so that they can either filter in to the Recycling of Metals scheme or, once assessed if deemed to be suitable sent for use in developing countries through a pacemaker charity. ii) That the Joint Committee agrees to the continued rotation of donations as indicated in the report to support charities that give the most benefit locally to both those who are in the end of life care and also in the wider community for counselling etc of those who require bereavement counselling. iii) That any monies gained through the final collection for any of the remembrance services held at the crematorium (usually in December) are also donated to the nominated charities in the same rotation.
Any Other Business Minutes: The committee referred to the planned preventative works programme working group, which is to be co-ordinated by Mansfield District Council’s Head of Neighbourhood Services together with the Director and Registrar of the Crematorium. A councillor from each authority to attend the sub-group and the Chair to be kept updated on progress.
Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 26 May 2020, 10am, Ashfield District Council Offices
Proposed future meeting dates- All Monday, 10am
21 September 2020 Mansfield 7 December 2020 Newark 22 February 2021 Ashfield 24 May 2021 Mansfield
Minutes: Tuesday, 26 May 2020 (Ashfield District Council)
Meeting closed at 11.37 am,