Agenda and minutes

Mansfield and District Crematorium Joint Committee - Monday, 11th February, 2019 10.00 am

Venue: Mansfield District Council Offices

Contact: Helen Bayne  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of interest by Members and Officers


There were no declarations of interest.


Declarations of intent to record the meeting


There were no declarations to record the meeting.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 334 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 2018 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Matters Arising


The Director- Governance and Organisational Development- Newark and Sherwood District Council was in attendance. She explained that she would be taking on the role of Clerk to the Committee following the departure from the Authority of Kirsty Cole.  


Financial Management Report- 1 April- 31 December 2018 pdf icon PDF 347 KB


The Acting Treasurer presented the financial report covering the period for 1 April- 31 December 2018. The Committee considered the income and expenditure for the period, and variances for the period. The Acting Treasurer highlighted variances as detailed in the report, including underspends on employee expenses due to vacancies.


The Committee heard that due to the problems with the abatement equipment, the 50% target for abated cremations was not expected to be met this financial year. The Mansfield & District Crematorium would have to purchase tradable mercury abated cremations (tmac’s) from the CAMEO scheme to meet the 50% target. The current forecast for 2018/2019 was £55,000. The Committee had agreed at their meeting in September 2018 for the spend to be financed from General Reserves.


The Committee considered the report, noting that the number of cremations for the period was lower than previous comparative periods. The Director and Registrar explained that this was in part due to competition from local crematoria and also overall reduced death rates for the period.


The Acting Treasurer drew Members’ attention to the agreement between the constituent Authorities’ Section 151 Officers regarding the expenditure incurred on the Capital Abatement works in 2019/2020. They had agreed that this should be allocated across each Authority on the annual throughput basis and for each Authority to include it in their Partial Exemption Assessment for the purposes of VAT.  Mansfield District Council would have to apply to consent from HMRC as this was a change to their current practice, and that process was on-going.


AGREED that the financial management report 1 April- 31 December 2018 be noted.


Webcasting and Digital Imagery pdf icon PDF 115 KB


The Committee considered a report from the Director and Registrar regarding proposed fees and charges for the provision of providing webcasting and the ability to have digital imagery within the Thoresby Chapel. The fees were detailed in the report, and the Committee noted that funding had been carried forward from the previous financial year to fund the equipment, and it was confirmed that on-going costs had been included in the repairs budget.


The Committee considered the proposals, and agreed that the opportunity for people who were unable to attend, for example due to living overseas, to view funerals would be beneficial. The Director and Registrar also confirmed that private crematoria were already offering the function and there had been requests at Mansfield Crematorium to offer the same. It was anticipated that the system would be installed at the beginning of April. Requirements surrounding support in the event of failure of the system would be detailed in terms and conditions with the supplier, who also supplied audio equipment for the Crematorium.


AGREED that:


1.      That approval be given to the fees as detailed in the report;

2.      That the usage be monitored; and

3.      That the fees become applicable following a ‘one month period’ of testing.



Any Other Business


The Chairman requested an update on the development of the updated website. The Director and Registrar explained that work on the website was on-going, but had been delayed due to staff vacancies and absence.


Date of Next Meeting


The next meeting of the Committee would be held on Tuesday 28 May 2019 at 10am, to be held at Newark and Sherwood District Council offices.