Agenda and minutes

Leisure & Environment Committee - Tuesday, 16th March, 2021 6.00 pm

Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, Notts, NG24 1BY

Contact: Catharine Saxton  Email:


No. Item


Declarations of Interest by Members and Officers and as to the Party Whip


Councillors S Carlton and M Skinner declared personal pecuniary interests in Agenda Item 15 – Southwell Leisure Centre Trust (SLCT) Alternative Management Arrangements, as there were both Directors for Active4Today.


Councillors P Harris and B Laughton declared personal pecuniary interests in Agenda Item 15 – Southwell Leisure Centre Trust (SLCT) Alternative Management Arrangements, as there were both Trustees to Southwell Leisure Centre.


The meeting was held remotely, in accordance with the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020.



Declaration of any Intentions to Record the Meeting



The Council recording in accordance with usual practice.  Councillor P Harris declared that he would record Agenda Item No. 14, Exclusion of the Press and Public. 


Minutes of the meeting held on 19 January 2021 pdf icon PDF 274 KB

Additional documents:


AGREED             that the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 January 2021, be approved                   as a correct record to be signed by the Chairman.


Chairman's Report


The Chairman provided an update to the Committee on the major developments that had taken place within the Committee’s remit since the last meeting held 19 January 2021.


That meeting followed the Prime Minister’s announcement in early January about further national restrictions which would have a significant impact upon the economy, people’s lives and council services, whilst trying to prevent the spread of the virus, protect the NHS and save lives.  Colleagues from the Clinical Commissioning Group were presenting to the meeting regarding the impact Covid has had on their operations and their involvement in the vaccination programme which lay at the heart of our ability to get back to something resembling normality.  Infection rates had dropped across Nottinghamshire and Newark and Sherwood now had the second lowest infection rate of any Nottinghamshire district, which was both positive and encouraging.  Covid related hospital admissions were at their lowest levels since 23 October last year and the vaccination programme continued to be rolled out at pace.  As of last week, more than 366,000 vaccinations had taken place in Nottinghamshire, with cohorts 1-9 on track to be vaccinated by 15 April 2021.

Later this week the first mobile asymptomatic testing facility in Nottinghamshire would be rolled out in Ollerton at the Council’s own Forest Road car park, this was another positive step in both the testing and vaccination programme.  The Chairman and Members on this Committee would like to pay tribute to all colleagues on the frontline of this effort. With the progress on the vaccination front, the Prime Minster recently announced his phased roadmap to recovery. This would inevitably mean that our colleagues would once again be supporting this effort, to enable our businesses and communities to recover as quickly and as safely as possible.

Colleagues from environmental health would be providing advice and support to businesses as they re-opened from no earlier than 12 April.  Outdoor attractions, libraries, community centres, personal care premises, all retail and outdoor hospitality would hopefully be able to open from this time. Colleagues would be visiting premises and playing a visible role in town centres, to positively reinforce messages around hands, face and space which would still be in effect at this time.

Colleagues in Active4Today were aiming to re-open the leisure centres in Newark, Ollerton and Blidworth towards the end of the month and there was a significant task for them in terms of recovering the losses in the membership base that the leisure industry had seen as a whole since the start of the pandemic. Getting them open was a positive first step on the road to recovery and, hopefully, by the next meeting in June, the new pool in Ollerton would be open and available to use.  This fantastic development would hopefully encourage more community swimming use as well as a new opportunity for A4T to market the leisure offer as a means of recovering its membership.


In relation to the Council’s cleansing and grounds maintenance services, since the last meeting, Policy  ...  view the full minutes text for item 95.


Presentation from the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

A presentation will be undertaken by David Ainsworth, Locality Director-Mid Nott’s CCG


A presentation was provided by David Ainsworth, Locality Director - Mid Nottinghamshire Area Clinical Commissioning Group.  The presentation provided the Committee with an update regarding the CCG’s current work and the vaccination programme.


The Chairman thanked David Ainsworth for presenting the informative presentation and invited the CCG back to a future meeting of the Leisure & Environment Committee.


AGREED             that the presentation be noted.


Proposal For A Public Space Protection Order - Vicar Water Country Park pdf icon PDF 256 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report presented by the Business Manager – Public Protection, which informed the Committee of the findings in consultation with key partners and members of the public, on the proposed Public Space Protection Order (“PSPO”) at Vicar Water Country Park.


Consideration had been given to the option of a specifically designated BBQ area.  Consultation with other park providers as demonstrated that outside of the very large areas such as Clumber Park, this was not a feature normally provided due to the fire risk.  The Parks team had confirmed that they would not support the designation of such an area.


A map showing the proposed area of the PSPO was attached as Appendix two to the Report.  It indicated that the extent of the proposed PSPO was the whole of vicar water Country Park, however there was a small exclusion area around the fishing lake to allow smoking by the angling club as their members were there for an extended amount of time.


Two further designated smoking areas had been identified as:

(1)      the area outside of the Visitors Centre, which hosted Rumbles Café, and would be restricted to the immediate area at the rear of the building, which included the outdoor seating facility for Rumbles Café.

(2)      the car park area.


A map showing those additional exclusions was attached as Appendix three to the Report.


It was reported that failure to comply with the PSPO was an offence.  It was proposed that the fixed penalty level or all Public Space Protection Orders be set at £100.00 reduced to £75.00 if made within 14 days.  This aligned the penalty level with that of similar environmental and ASB offences.  It was proposed that the enforcement of PSPO’s would be carried out by Authorised officers of the council and police. 


The local ward Member sought clarification regarding any land which fell under the control of Mansfield District Council and whether discussions had taken place with Mansfield District Council regarding the PSPO’s.  The Business Manager confirmed that he was not aware of any land contained within the designated areas which fell under Mansfield District Council, but would confirm with colleagues at Mansfield District Council.


AGREED             (unanimously) that:


(a)                the terms of the PSPO as being ‘a person or persons are                               prohibited from the following activities being: the lighting                               of fires; barbecues; Chinese lanterns, fireworks; or using any                  article/object which causes a       naked flame and which poses a                         risk of fire’ be agreed;


(b)           the proposed designated smoking areas be agreed;


(c)            clarification be sought with Mansfield District Council regarding                  any land issues.


Actions: Alan Batty


Hawtonville Community Centre and Reach Update and Lease Arrangements pdf icon PDF 267 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report presented by the Health Improvement and Community Relations Manager which sought to secure committee support, subject to Policy and Finance approval, to grant Reach Learning Disability (RLD) a long term lease for the use of Hawtonville Community Centre for a period of 15 years with effect from 1 April 2021, with associated 5 year break clauses that were deemed acceptable and appropriate to both parties.


It was reported that the impact of Reach Learning Disability (RLD) in the local community and the benefits to the Council of having a reliable tenant had proved to be very successful and accordingly RLD were keen to secure a longer term relationship with the Council through a 15 year lease. Furthermore, if a 15 year lease was granted, RLD, as a registered charity, would be in a far stronger position to secure external grant funding to invest in and improve the facilities at the centre which will benefit service uses and community groups alike.


AGREED             (unanimously) that:


(a)                Leisure and Environment Committee recommend to Policy and                         Finance Committee that Reach Learning Disability be granted a                  15 year lease of Hawtonville Community Centre with 5 year                        break clauses;

(b)                the Director of Housing, Health and Wellbeing, be given                                        delegated approval to agree the terms of the lease including                         community access and use of the centre as is currently the                situation, and;

(c)                 Officer colleagues work with Reach Learning Disability to                                          explore opportunities to secure capital investment in the asset                    for the benefit of all.

Actions: Andy Hardy/Suzanne Shead


Annual Review Of The Exempt Reports Considered By The Leisure & Environment Committee pdf icon PDF 235 KB


The Committee considered the report of the Chief Executive listing the exempt items considered by the Committee for the period 22 September 2020 to date.


The Committee agreed that the report considered on the 19 January 2021, entitled, ‘Southwell Leisure Centre Trust Update’, be released into the public domain.


AGREED      (unanimously) that the content of the report entitled: ‘Southwell Leisure Centre Trust Update’, be released into the public domain.

Actions: Catharine Saxton


Potential Routemap To The Electrification Of The NSDC Fleet pdf icon PDF 276 KB


The Committee considered the report presented by the Environmental Services Business Manager, which informed the Committee of a provisional roadmap, milestones and strategy towards the electrification of the NSDC fleet. To increase understanding of the operational and political complexities this shift would bring in terms of short, medium and long term plans and to alert the Council to the additional capital expenditure that any such programme would require.

Members commented that hydrogen power and bio-fuel could be used as an alternative to electrification for the heavy vehicle fleet. The cost of replacing the fleet would be a considerable expenditure.  The capacity for charging and storing the vehicles at the Council’s depot site was also questioned.  The Business Manager confirmed that the depot site may be on the small size, however space could be utilised at Farrar Close, which would be considered by the working group.

AGREED             (unanimously) that:

(a)                the phased approach towards electrification that has been set    out in the report, starting with small scale pilots, before looking at two possible phases of transition – 2023-26 for small vans          and fleet, subject to business case, and post 2026 for larger           vehicles, subject to business case, be approved;

(b)                the current uncertainties in setting out the long-term route       map, but ask the project team to continue working on a   masterplan for the development of the depot site, taking into               consideration the National Waste and Resources Strategy and    future requirements given the Government’s 2030 target. This      would significantly assist in off-setting costs if government               grants become available for shovel ready schemes, be noted;

(c)                 a recommendation to Policy and Finance Committee at its next               meeting on 1 April 2021, that an amendment is made to the    capital programme to the increase the Capital replacement         programme for small vehicle replacement during 21/22 by £34k               to allow the already scheduled replacement of two suitable             ULEV’s to be purchased in line with the phased approach being            set out in this report; and


(d)                a recommendation to Policy and Finance Committee that the     sum of £30,000 is allocated from the Capital Feasibility Reserve,             to allow a small working party made up of Director    Communities and Environment, Business Manager         Environmental Services and Asset Management to undertake a        study into the future requirements of the operational depot at               Brunel Drive. This study will lead to a report that sets out a          roadmap for future development and utilisation by front line             services. It will, amongst other things look at future      requirements for Waste Management and the requirement for            more vehicles through the National Waste Strategy. It will look               at parking and charging requirements for all departments, including Housing vehicles as well as electrical needs,           possibilities and central grants. The budget will allow the employment of external services such as Architects, M & E        specialists, Civils and ULEX experts etc.


Actions: Andrew Kirk/Matthew Finch


Climate Emergency Update pdf icon PDF 265 KB


The Committee considered the report presented by the Environmental Policy and Projects Officer, which provided an update on the progress of the Climate Emergency Strategy and associated Action Plan.


The Council’s agreed target for reduction was 2,165 tCO2e (gas and fuel consumption from scope 1, purchased electricity from scope 2 and waste and water from scope 3).  The Greening Newark and Sherwood Action Plan was now being progressed and an annual report would be presented to Policy and Finance Committee every September.  A number of projects were also underway as detailed within the report.


A Member commented that whilst he supported the report he was concerned about the use of Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs) from the energy supplier, for reducing the Council’s carbon emissions. The Environmental Policy and Projects Officer confirmed that REGOs were available to be purchased from a range of sources, this can just include a ‘fuel mix’ of specifically renewables such as wind and solar, which would have greater green credentials for the Council and enable a reduced carbon factor to be used in the Council’s carbon footprint calculation. The decision around the ‘fuel mix’ options for green electricity would be a decision for a future meeting of the Committee.


(Councillor L Brailsford entered the meeting during the Officers presentation.)


AGREED             that:


(a)                the Project update be noted; and


(b)                a further report be submitted to the Committee providing                                further progress updates on Newark and Sherwood District                    Council’s carbon reduction journey.


Actions: Briony Ashton


YMCA Community and Activity Village Update


The Health Improvement and Community Relations Manager provided a verbal update regarding the current work of the YMCA Community and Activity Village.


The YMCA Village had been closed during lockdown, however in line with the government announcement on 22 February 2021, the Village would be reopening on 29 March 2021 for outdoor sport activity.  The YMCA looked forward to once again being able to serve the community and offer the facilities and programming, as soon as allowed. 


The Village building’s final fit-out costs, supporting the climbing wall, cycle track, 5-aside pitches, skatepark, music & expressive and creative arts suites were actively being fundraised for by the YMCA, with a total cost of circa £13 million.  The main village building construction had commenced, this would be operational and open to the public in spring 2022.  


Currently, over 10,000 community members and businesses were actively engaged in consultation and co-designing spaces and the use of the Village building.  YMCA social bond had raised £3 million in capital.


YMCA and Newark and Sherwood District Council continued to recruit local Trustees for its board of directors and had appointed Todd Cauthorn as the Executive Director responsible for the charity and services throughout Newark and Sherwood.


AGREED             that the verbal report be noted.


Actions: Andy Hardy/Suzanne Shead


Leisure & Environment Committee Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 261 KB


The Leisure & Environment Committee Forward Plan was provided for Member information.  Members were encouraged to submit any areas of work they wanted to address for the forthcoming year. 


AGREED             (unanimously) that the Forward Plan be noted.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

To consider resolving that, under section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


AGREED             (with 10 votes For and 1 vote Against) that:

                             under section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public                        be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on                  the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt                               information as defined in Paragraph 3 and 4 of part 1 of Schedule 12A                      of the Act.


Southwell Leisure Centre Trust (SLCT) Alternative Management Arrangements


The Committee considered the exempt report of the Director of Housing, Health and Well Being, which updated the Committee on the progress and discussions around the management of Southwell Leisure Centre.


(Summary provided in accordance with 100C(2) of the Local Government Act 1972.)

Actions: Suzanne Shead