Agenda and minutes

Leisure & Environment Committee - Tuesday, 25th June, 2019 6.00 pm

Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, Notts, NG24 1BY

Contact: Catharine Saxton  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest by Members and Officers and as to the Party Whip


Councillor S Carlton declared a personal interest in Agenda Item No. 5 -Active4Today – Annual Report 2018-19 and Item No. 6 – Proposed Changes to leave arrangements of the Council’s Leisure Centre with Active4Today, as he is a Board Member of Active4Today.



Declaration of any Intentions to Record the Meeting


Other than the Council recording in accordance with usual practice, there were no

declarations of intention to record the meeting.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 241 KB


AGREED           (unanimously) that the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 March                          2019, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Active4Today - Annual Report 2018-19 pdf icon PDF 279 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Director – Communities & Environment which updated the Committee on the performance of Active4Today for the financial year ending 31 March 2019.


It was reported that Company turnover had increased by a modest 1.3%, however, this should be considered positively in light of the problems the Company encountered in respect of the loss of water space at the Dukeries Leisure Centre and subsequently at South Forest and latterly Wellow House School and accordingly the efforts of the Company should be noted in respect of its efforts to maintain a positive trading position despite this setback which was not within the control or influence of the Company. 


Performance overall had been maintained through a favourable growth in adult membership of 3.34% achieved through a combination of promotions, guest passes and wider community engagement.  In addition to the adult membership base, there had been considerable growth in leisure centre visits from the under 16’s market, an increase in users from deprived areas  and an uplift in referrals through health professionals following more focussed work by the Sports Development Team. 


In light of the adoption of the Community Plan 2019-2023 a review of Active4Today’s Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) had been undertaken and the proposed basket of new KPI’s which reflected the priorities of both the Council and Active4Today would be reported to future Leisure and Environment Committees and was attached at Appendix 1V for member approval.


During the period 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019, the financial statements showed that the Company recorded a net operating surplus of £22,453 factoring in the full management fee payable by the Council of which 50% (£60,610) was currently on retention.  £239,987 was spent on repairs and renewals which was £87,487 over the budget provision anticipated for the year. The operating surplus therefore represented a strong financial performance from the Company in 18/19 given the level of re-investment in the Council’s asset base.


It was also reported that within the accounts the provision for pension deficit was now shown as a net liability in the Balance sheet and was in accordance with generally accepted accounting treatment. The net liability had always existed, however as the company’s accounts were not subject to audit in previous years, the liability was not provided for in the company’s accounts and was, instead, disclosed as a note to the accounts.  The company, as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Council, was now required to have an audit and therefore had accounted for assets and liabilities of the pension fund on the face of the Balance Sheet. The value of the assets and liabilities would be re-valued every 3 years with the next review being undertaken this year, however, this was an accounting protocol for member information only.


The Company’s earmarked usable reserves, as at 31 March 2019 stood at £400,130 an increase of £22,453 on the balances held at 31 March 2018.


At the 22 January 2019 meeting of Leisure & Environment Committee, a decision was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Proposed Changes To Lease Arrangements Of The Council's Leisure Centres With Acive4Today pdf icon PDF 324 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Director – Communities & Environment which sought approval to grant permission to Active4Today (A4T), as per the terms and conditions of the current lease, to build an extension on Blidworth Leisure Centre to accommodate a steam and sauna facility.


A4T was proposing a small extension to the Blidworth Leisure Centre to accommodate a steam and sauna facility.  The proposal would improve the local offer for centre users and would be funded from a combination of A4T reserves and Section 106 monies secured from a housing development scheme (AG1040) for the improvement of leisure facilities in Blidworth.  Currently the cost envelope for the proposed work was estimated to be £75,000 and £30,973.15. Section 106 funding had been secured and allocated to the project proposal.  The current lease did not make provision for A4T as tenant to extend the existing buildings therefore approval was sought to enable this investment in the centre and local offer to users to proceed.  The business case for the proposal was outlined in the A4T report.   The Capital Programme included a budget of £30,980 to make the transfer of Section 106 monies to A4T towards the work.


A Member commented that it was good that the Authority was investing in steam and sauna facility’s and asked if this facility could be brought back to Newark.


AGREED           (with 9 votes For and 1 Abstention) that the Leisure & Environment            Committee recommend to Policy &       Finance that:


(a)       Active4Today be granted permission to extend Blidworth    Leisure            Centre for the purposes of a steam and sauna facility        subject to the legal position being agreed; and


            (b)        the creation of £75,000 capital budget within the 2019/20                                      capital programme, to be financed by £30,980 from S106                                             monies and the remainder of £44,020 to be financed from the                          Councils general fund  capital resources subject to the                                      conclusion of the legal discussion being finalised.




Update On The Better Care Fund pdf icon PDF 271 KB


The Committee considered the report of the Director – Communities & Environment which provided an update on the schemes that had been delivered from funding from the district’s allocation of the Better Care Fund.


The Business Manager Public Protection suggested an amendment to recommendation (b) and that ‘subject to the feasibility of finding buildings available for adaptation’ be included.


The specific element of the Better Care fund was allocated for the statutory delivery of Disabled Facilities Grants across the district.  In circumstances where the DFG allocation was in excess of that required to meet the demand for DFGs the local authority was empowered to use the remaining allocation for ‘wider social care capital projects’.


The terms of reference for the Better Care Fund Programme Board were contained within the report.  The report also detailed the delivery of local schemes in 2018/19.  The initial total allocation for 2018/19 was £946,838.  In December 2018 the Government made some additional funding available and the Council was able to secure a further £106,844 towards the delivery of its mandatory improvement DFG programme.  The Allocation from central government for 2019/20 was £1,021,695.  The report provided the indicative costings for each of the programmes for the carry forward from 2018/19 and 2019/20 allocation.


A Member asked if Members could be provided with more information regarding the better care fund in order for them to provide the information to their electorate.  It was confirmed that information would be circulated.


AGREED           (unanimously) that:


(a)             Members note the schemes that are funded for 2019/20 and         information packs be provided to Members of the Leisure and          Environment Committee ; and


                        (b)        a new scheme to develop temporary adapted accommodation                               be supported subject to the feasibility of finding buildings                                            available for adaptation.



The Cleaner, Safer, Greener Campaign pdf icon PDF 459 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Director – Communities & Environment which updated Members on the achievements from the successful Cleaner, Safer, Greener campaign which ran from July 2018 to March 2019; and the plan for embedding the work of the Cleaner, Safer, Greener Campaign into the everyday work of the Council.


Members considered the campaign very successful but felt that at present it was very Newark central.  It was felt that the campaign should be spread across the west of the district so that everyone would benefit from the scheme.


The Director – Communities & Environment informed the Committee that when the Cleaner, Safer, Greener campaign was launched earlier in the year, the Council had a day of action in Ollerton.  The scheme was then rolled forward for Blidworth, Hawtonville and Bridge.  The next stage of the campaign was to talk to Ollerton and Southwell and roll out the scheme into those areas.


Members were also asked if they would like to undertake a tour around the Materials Recovery Facility at Mansfield.  It was confirmed that a date would be circulated to Members of the Committee


AGREED             (unanimously) that:


(a)               the report be noted;


(b)               Members endorse the Cleaner, Safer, Greener                    Campaign being embedded into the work of the                      Council and extent the work throughout the district as outlined within the report; and


(c)                a date for the tour around the Materials Recovery Facility at Mansfield be circulated to Members of the Leisure & Environment Committee.


Littering From Vehicles - Civil Penalty pdf icon PDF 283 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Director – Communities & Environment which sought Member approval to adopt the provisions of The Littering From Vehicles Outside London (Keepers: Civil Penalties) Regulations 2018 which would facilitate the issuing of Civil Penalties to the registered keeper of a vehicle from which littering had taken place.


AGREED             (unanimously) that:


(a)            Members agree to adopt the powers contained in The                                Littering From Vehicles Outside London (Keepers: Civil                                     Penalties) Regulations 2018 as detailed in sections 4.3                          to 4.7 of the report, to facilitate the issuing of Civil                             Penalties to the registered keepers of a vehicles from                                 which littering had taken place; and


(b)            Officers of suitable experience and training be                    authorised in writing under this legislation to carry out    such enforcement duties.


              (Councillor B Laughton left the meeting at this point).


Graffiti Policy pdf icon PDF 250 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Director – Communities & Environment which sought approval for a new Graffiti Policy for Newark and Sherwood.


The Policy set out the approach that the Council would take to new graffiti.  As stated within the report the current informal policy had allowed for the removal of certain types of graffiti but that had left a certain level of residual graffiti.  It was proposed that a dedicated team be assigned the task of removing the old residual graffiti from all areas of the district.  Once that was complete (it was anticipated that would be a period of 3 months) the timescales for graffiti removal as set out in the Policy would become operational.


In order to facilitate the removal of as much graffiti as possible, subject to the receipt of owner approval, the Council would remove graffiti free of charge from both privately and commercially owned domestic premises up until 31 March 2021 when that would be reviewed.


In addition, the Council would work in partnership with other organisations on diversionary art projects and workshops, particularly in relation to murals and public art which made a positive contribution to the area, reflect the community and discourage tagging.


The estimated cost of back filling posts to allow for a dedicated team to operate was £10,000.  It was proposed that the funding for this be allocated from the High Street Fund.


A Member sought clarification regarding whether there was staff available to undertaken this work.  It was confirmed that there was a team of staff who were trained to use the cleaning equipment for the removal of graffiti. 


A Member also asked what the Council was doing to prosecute the sale of spray paints to minors.  The Business Manager Public Protection confirmed that the purchaser of spray paints had to be over 16 years. Trading standards had been asked to reiterate that law to shops in the district.  The Council had contacted Halfords and automotive suppliers advising them of the law.  The Challenge 25 scheme may also be introduced for the sale of spray paints to replicate that of the purchase of alcohol.


A Member suggested that there was a number of old bridges in Newark which were out of sight and may be used as graffiti walls with the agreement of Sustrans.  The Business Manager Waste, Litter and Recycling commented that on the grounds of health and safety he was unsure whether the Council should be encouraging this as the graffiti artists may lean and fall off the bridge when working.


AGREED           (unanimously) that:                                        


(a)                the Graffiti Policy be approved; and


(b)                the use of the High Streets Community Clean Up funding                            for backfilling the posts to allow a dedicated team to remove                     old graffiti be approved.


Hawtonville Community Centre Management Six Monthly Progress Report pdf icon PDF 338 KB


The Committee considered the report of the Director – Communities & Environment which provided an update in respect of Hawtonville Community Centre and the progress being made following the transfer of the management of the centre to Reach Learning Disability (RLD), a local charity supporting vulnerable adults in Newark & Sherwood, through the granting of a three year tenancy agreement.


The move to the Hawtonville Community Centre was reported as a huge success and the service users saw the centre as their home.  The ground floor of the centre was occupied by RLD Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.00pm and community access was available from 5.00pm to 10.00pm in three communal areas during evenings and weekends.  The first floor rooms were occupied by Reach Care following improvements including the installation of air conditioning, improved security, decoration and new carpeting funded by RLD.  Community use of the centre equated to 905 hours for the year which represented 41% of the available community time which was likely to increase in the future.  The income from the community use was £4,996 for the year with operating costs estimated at £11,104 therefore RLD had subsidised the community use in the first year to the sum of £6,108, which had been agreed in lieu of rent payment to the Council.   RLD had also reported a dramatic reduction in the levels of Anti-Social Behaviour following a change in operating procedure and improved CCTV provision and would continue to monitor the situation and liaise with Council colleagues to maintain a safer environment.


AGREED           (unanimously) that the content of the progress report detailing                              activities and services delivered to the community through Reach                                    Learning Disability’s occupation and management of the Hawtonville                    Community Centre in 2018/19, be noted.


Update on the Neighbourhood Wardens


The Business Manager Public Protection provided a verbal update regarding the Neighbourhood Wardens. 


The appointments for the Neighbourhood Wardens had been approved September 2018.  The first warden was appointed late October 2018 and had been a former dog warden and knew the area.  The second officer was appointed January 2019 and had the associated skills.  The remaining two officers were appointed May 2019.  There were four neighbourhood wardens in total, all with complementary skills from different backgrounds.


A two shift system had been developed 8.00am – 8.00pm; 8.00am – 4.00pm was the morning shift, 12.00pm – 8.00pm the afternoon shift.  All four wardens were on duty during the four hours in the middle.  The times were also split to North/South so there was always cover.


The wardens worked closely with other agencies and the Police and there was a designated Town Centre Officer who also worked with the Police.  They also worked with the Anti-Social Behaviour Officers, Park Rangers, Housing Officers and Environmental Health Officers and also reported and investigated fly tipping and were the first contact point for graffiti.


It was also reported that since January 2019 fixed penalty notices had been issued, one for fly tipping.  Work had been undertaken regarding street drinkers causing disturbances in the Town Centre and anti-social behaviour and damage to parks.


Work had been undertaken regarding reported dog fouling on the Southwell trail and Officers had spoken to dog owners and dog litter bags had been handed out.


The wardens were available to talk to Town and Parish Council’s and would support any litter picking schemes being undertaken in the district.


The Chairman asked that any information packs available be sent to Town and Parish Council’s.


A Member commented that a lot of issues happened outside of working hours and Members needed to be able to contact someone to address those issues.


The Chairman commented that the Neighbour Wardens were working until 8pm which was a step forward.  The Business Manager Public Protection commented that the Wardens also provided cover on Saturdays which was an expansion of working hours.  He also informed Members that CCTV staff had a list of Officers contactable out of office hours.


AGREED           that the verbal update be noted.


Nottinghamshire Local Authorities Care Leavers Leisure Offer pdf icon PDF 325 KB


The Committee considered the report of the Director – Communities & Environment which updated Members in respect of the progress made for a Nottinghamshire Local Offer for Care Leavers with specific respect to the development of a countywide leisure offer following Policy & Finance Committee’s approval to support this initiative at its meeting 21 February 2019.


AGREED           (unanimously) that the report be noted.



Mansfield and District Crematorium Joint Committee - Annual Statement of Accounts pdf icon PDF 229 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report presented by the Business Manager Financial Services, which presented the Annual Statement of Accounts for the Mansfield and District Crematorium Joint Committee.  The relevant Minute from the 28 May 2019 meeting of the Mansfield and District Crematorium Joint Committee was also appended to the report for information.


AGREED           (unanimously) that the Annual Statement of Accounts for the                                  Mansfield and District Crematorium Joint Committee be noted.


Urgency Item - To approve the Council's response to the 'Future Arrangements for NHS Commissioning across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire' pdf icon PDF 434 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee noted the decision to approve the Council’s response to the ‘Future Arrangements for NHS Commissioning across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire’.


The Chairman requested that the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) be invited to the 19 November 2019, meeting of the Committee to provide an update regarding the NHS commissioning.


AGREED                       (unanimously) that:


(a)         the urgency item be noted; and


(b)         the CCG be invited to the 19 November 2019       meeting of the Committee to provide an update       regarding the NHS commissioning.




Leisure & Environment Committee Forward Plan (1 June 2019 to 31 May 2019) pdf icon PDF 260 KB


The Leisure & Environment Committee Forward Plan was provided for Member information.  Members were encouraged to submit any areas of work they wanted to address for the forthcoming year.


The following items were requested:


·         Waste Review, researching what other local authorities do regarding food waste, tetra packs, glass etc.  It was confirmed that this would be addressed in the Waste Review presentation.


·         Wheelie bin sizes (would like confirmation that the policy regarding bin sizes was working).


·         Bulky waste collection (look at policy to see if bulky waste could be offered complementary to stop fly tipping), this would be addressed in the Fly Tipping report to be presented to the September Committee.


·         Review of play parks.



NOTED      the Forward Plan.



Health & Wellbeing


The Leisure and Environment Committee Vice-Chairman informed the Committee of the Health & Wellbeing Board meeting he had attended at the beginning of June 2019; the main agenda item was the poor air quality in Nottinghamshire and the need to strengthen the strategy for cleaner air in Nottinghamshire.