Agenda and minutes

Economic Development Committee - Wednesday, 11th September, 2019 6.00 pm

Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, Notts NG24 1BY

Contact: Helen Brandham  Email: 01636 655248

No. Item


Declaration of Interest by Members and Officers and as to the Party Whip


NOTED       that no Member or Officer declared any interest pursuant to any statutory requirement in any matter discussed or voted upon at the meeting.


Declaration of Intention to Record Meeting


NOTED       that the Council would undertake an audio recording of the meeting.


Minutes of Meeting Held on 19 June 2019 pdf icon PDF 240 KB


AGREED      that the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 June 2019 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Clarification of Christmas Parking Concessions pdf icon PDF 355 KB


The Committee considered the report presented by the Director – Growth & Regeneration which sought to clarify the situation in relation to Christmas parking concessions when there were 4 Sundays after the Christmas light switch-on that fall prior to Christmas Day.  It was reported that the purpose of the report was to remove the need for annual approvals in the aforementioned circumstances. 


AGREED      (unanimously) that the clarification of the Christmas parking concessions be adopted.


Future Towns Fund


With the permission of the Chairman the Director – Growth & Regeneration provided the Committee with a verbal update in relation to the successful award of the Future Towns Fund.  The Council has been awarded capital funding of up to £25m, subject to further development of a ‘Deal’ with central government.  He stated that the next stage would be receipt of a prospectus for the town’s development. 


Members welcomed the funding and noted that it was specific to Newark town (as opposed to the centre or wider District areas). 


In response to whether infrastructure would form part of the development of the town, the Director confirmed that there would be an element of that within the works, either physical and/or digital.


AGREED      (unanimously) that the verbal update be noted.


Newark Lorry Park pdf icon PDF 308 KB


The Committee considered the report presented by the Business Manager – Commercialisation & Major Projects which sought to update Members on the completed Newark Lorry Park Extension Project.  It was noted that the Newark Lorry Park 5 Year Business Plan (Appendix A to the report) was exempt and that any discussion thereon would be deferred to the end of the meeting.


The report set out the background to the project and that its vision had been to offer secure, high quality parking for lorries, HGVs and coaches as well as to provide for the wellbeing of drivers through the provision of quality facilities.  The Business Manager reported that the project had been completed ahead of schedule and under budget.  Paragraph 3 of the report provided Members with financial information relating to the cost of the project with the 5 year income projections being reported at paragraph 3.4 of the report. 


Members all agreed that the report was to be welcomed and expressed their appreciation to Officers involved that the project had been completed ahead of schedule and under budget.  It was noted that promotion of the lorry park and its facilities was ongoing e.g. at the recently held Newark Truck Fest.


AGREED      (unanimously) that:


(a)     the implementation of the Newark Lorry Park 5 Year Business Plan be approved; and


(b)     the saving of £68,095 be noted and that approval be given for that sum to be added to the available funding for future projects in the Council’s Capital Programme. 


Proposed Investment in Waste and Grounds Maintenance Services pdf icon PDF 364 KB


The Committee considered the report presented by the Projects Officer – Commercialisation & Major Projects in relation to the proposed investment in and realignment of Environmental Services, including Street Cleansing, Refuse & Recycling, Transport and Parks & Grounds Maintenance.


The report set out the governance of the aforementioned services and how their realignment would be reported to their respective Committees.  The proposals for each of the service areas were reported at paragraph 4.0 and the impact this would have, if agreed.  The wider development of street cleansing and refuse & recycling were reported as was the review of environmental services and waste consulting. 


In considering the report a Member queried whether there would be any impact on services already outsourced to parish councils under devolution deals.  The Projects Officer advised that this was not the intention, albeit support to all parishes to drive forward their own agendas would continue, in line with the experience of the Cleaner, Safer, Greener campaign.  Another Member noted the devolution deals, stating that any parish would be welcome to contract the District Council to undertake work on its behalf.


In referring to paragraph 4.4 of the report a Member queried whether the Street Cleansing Action Team would be tasked with the filling in of pot holes.  The Project Officer advised that overall scope of works was to be agreed. However it was noted that such action will likely be limited to Council owned land. 


The Local Member for Southwell addressed the Committee stating that he welcomed the proactive street cleansing proposals.  He referred to the in-house green waste collection stating that he would wish to see the best facility possible being provided for the district’s residents.  In relation to the scope of the review, he expressed his disappointment at the lack of detail on food waste and glass collection.  He noted that other districts offered a multi-waste collection and that he hoped that both areas would be subject to investigation.  The Project Officer advised that Recommendation (b) of the report would encompass food waste.  It was noted that the collection of different waste streams was something which the Government were considering and that in the future it was likely to be free of charge to residents, if the National Waste Strategy outcomes were to identify this. 


AGREED      (unanimously) that:


(a)     the development of Environmental Services as outlined in the report and recommend that further progress updates be brought back to Committee be endorsed; and


(b)     Members from both Economic Development and Leisure & Environment be consulted with regarding the development of the Strategy (see para 4.5).  Details of the sessions facilitating this development to be circulated in Autumn 2019, be noted.



Ollerton and Boughton Neighbourhood Study pdf icon PDF 502 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report presented by the Business Manager – Housing Strategy & Development which sought to provide Members with the final draft of the Ollerton & Boughton Neighbourhood Study for endorsement.  The report also outlined the next steps of the study for Members’ approval. 


The report set out the background to the study and the delivery model thereof together with the governance arrangements.  Specifics in relation to the study were noted in paragraph 3 of the report.  Results from the initial consultation with local people had resulted in six key themes emerging which were listed at paragraph 4.1 with the place proposals being detailed in paragraph 5 and Appendix A of the report.


In considering the report Members agreed that it was to be welcomed.  A Local Ward Member who was also a Member of the Committee commented on the importance of the study and that its impact on the two areas could not be under-estimated.  He noted the excellent co-operation between all parties and that he would wish to see the consultations continued.  He referred specifically to Recommendation (c) and that it needed to include for community consultation if required prior to any final option(s). The Chairman queried whether this would cause any delay to the progression of the study.  The Director – Growth & Regeneration suggested that an additional recommendation be added, utilising delegation in consultation with Members, in order to ensure that progress was not delayed by a Committee cycle.


AGREED      (unanimously) that:


(a)     the final draft of the Ollerton & Boughton Neighbourhood Study, as set out at Appendix A further to the final public exhibition held in October 2018 be endorsed;


(b)     the activities being undertaken to deliver the ‘People’ action plan through a holistic place based approach considering the objectives within the Community Plan, the outcomes of which will be reported at a future meeting of the Committee be noted;


(c)     the preparation for and submission of a planning application for the allocated site (OB/MU/2) between the Stepnall Heights and Hallam Road estates, subject to a viable development option, with the proposals being presented to Policy & Finance Committee to allocate the £300,000 budget be approved; and


(d)     in consultation with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Opposition Spokesperson (including any agreed community engagement), Members recommend the preparation and submission of a planning application for the allocated site (OB/MU/2) between the Stepnall Heights and Hallam Road estates, subject to first a viable development option being examined and second, the Policy & Finance Committee agreeing to allocate the required £300,000 budget.


District Wide Tree Planting Initiatives pdf icon PDF 284 KB


The Committee considered the report presented by the Business Manager – Parks & Open Spaces which sought to provide Members with information on a number of tree-planting initiatives and sought Committee approval for the allocation of funds to allow some of the initiatives to be progressed.


The report set out the background to the proposal whilst highlighting the importance of trees and the Government’s tree planting target of planting 11 million trees in England between 2017 and 2022, 1 million of which would be in urban areas.  The proposed schemes were listed in the report at paragraph 3.0 as follows: free tree scheme; partnership working; northern forest project; urban tree challenge fund; morewoods; and national tree planning week. 


One of the Local Members for the Devon Ward addressed the Committee stating that he was grateful for the support of the initiative by a local business.  Members of the Committee were in agreement and suggested that it be raised at Newark Business Club in an attempt to gather more support.  The Business Manager added that the initiative was also to be promoted by the Council’s PR and Communications Team and that this would include parish councils and schools. 


In welcoming the scheme a Member of the Committee queried what checks were in place to ensure that the trees planted were suitable for residential gardens.  The Business Manager confirmed that discussions would be held with the Wildlife Trust and organisers of existing schemes.  It was noted that consideration was being given to only offering a small choice of species and that these would be changed on an annual basis over the 5 year period.


AGREED      (unanimously) that:


(a)     the initiatives outlined in paragraph 3.0 of the report, including the institution of a free tree scheme and the submission of an expression of interest to the Urban Tree Challenge Fund be supported;


(b)     funding of £15,000 over a 5 year period be identified to support tree-planting initiatives across the District and Policy & Finance Committee be asked to ratify this spending; and


(c)     the 2019 National Tree Week be used as an opportunity to promote tree planting. 


Local Nature Reserve Designation - Intake Wood, Clipstone pdf icon PDF 245 KB


The Committee considered the report presented by the Business Manager – Parks & Open Spaces which sought Members approval for the designation of Intake Wood in Clipstone as a Local Nature Reserve (LNR) under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949.


The report set out the background to the Council taking over the freehold ownership of the site in 2000 and subsequent Tree Preservation Order in 2002 with a commuted maintenance payment in the sum of £30k being received from the housing developer, Bovis Homes in 2006.  The proposals for the site were listed at paragraph 3.0 of the report, listing the reasons and why its designation as a LNR was considered appropriate. 


In considering the report a Member suggested that Clipstone Parish Council be contacted to advise them of the proposals with a view to local people becoming involved with the proposal to designate the area as a LNR.  It was also suggested that the Local Ward Members for Clipstone & Edwinstowe be contacted to advise them of the proposals.


AGREED      (unanimously) that the designation of Intake Wood as a Local Nature Reserve be supported.


Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan pdf icon PDF 261 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report presented by the Business Manager – Planning Policy which sought to advise Members of the details of the Publication Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Consultation and which sought Members’ approval the Council’s response to the consultation.


The report set out the background to the Publication Minerals Local Plan for a period of representation with paragraph 2.2 outlining the same approach as the Draft Plan which the Council had supported.  Appendix B to the report set out the Council’s proposed formal representations to the consultation.


AGREED      (unanimously) that:


(a)   the report be noted;


(b)   Appendix B be approved as the District Council’s representation to the Publication Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan.


Local Development Framework Progress Update pdf icon PDF 259 KB


The Committee considered the report presented by the Business Manager – Planning Policy which sought to update Members on progress towards delivery of the Plan Review in relation to the Allocations and Development Management Policies.


The report set out the background to the consultation undertaken on the Allocations & Development Management Issues Paper and the proposed timescale for the next stage of the review process.  It was noted in paragraph 3.2 of the report the likely need to hold an additional meeting of the Committee in order to avoid a delay in the consultation process and that this was largely down to the need to consider the policies and potential allocations relating to housing provision for the Gypsy & Traveller Community. 


The Business Manager referred Members to the additional meeting date provisionally booked for 10 October 2019, adding that Officers were working towards providing Members with the key facts in order for them to consider the matter. 


AGREED      (unanimously) that:


(a)     the report be noted; and


(b)     the additional meeting of Thursday, 10 October 2019 be supported to fully discuss the final Options Report for consultation.



Festivals 2019 Campaign Evaluation pdf icon PDF 271 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report presented by the Business Manager – Tourism which sought to provide Members with an update on the continuing district-wide visitor campaign ‘Festivals 2019’.


The report set out the background to the campaign with the aim of increasing the number of visits, dwell time and expenditure in support of the visitor economy.  The campaign had focussed on 20 festivals to form the main content for a multi-channel visitor campaign.  The selection of festivals was based on ensuring a good spread of dates, durations, locations in the district, themes and intended audiences. 


In considering the report Members agreed that the campaign had proved to be a success.  A Member of the Committee stated that The Robin Hood Festival had been delighted with their increased numbers with the Member adding that he was pleased to see such a positive outcome from the use of social media and online promotions.


It was noted in the report that stakeholders, including event organiser and hosting attractions were actively supporting the campaign by distributing the printed guide and sharing social media posts to their networks.  Members agreed that they would wish to have a ‘tour’ of the websites at the next meeting of the Committee.


AGREED      (unanimously) that the success of the ‘Festivals 2019’ campaign in raising awareness of the wide range of festivals on offer across the district and increasing visitors and followers to our digital channels for our longer-term marketing advantage be noted.



Commercialisation and Major Projects Update pdf icon PDF 379 KB


The Committee considered the report presented jointly by the Business Manager and the Projects Officer – Commercialisation & Major Projects which sought to update Members on the commercial project activity undertaken by the Commercialisation & Major Projects business unit.


The report set out the background to the establishment of the Business Unit and its role and responsibilities.  It provided details of the commercial projects for 2019/2020 and those currently being developed for the forthcoming year, 2020/2021. 


Members agreed that they welcomed some service provision being brought in-house and the investment proposed in the Council’s own staff. 


The Chairman raised the issue of tenants who did not maintain their gardens and the current lack of enforcement requiring them to do so.  He suggested that the Council could offer to do it for them for a small fee but was mindful that the some tenants’ ability to undertake such a task may be limited and would need consideration.


AGREED      (unanimously) that the update regarding commercial activity undertaken by the Commercialisation & Major Projects Business Unit be noted.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 324 KB


The Committee considered the Forward Plan presented by the Director – Growth & Regeneration which listed reports to be presented to Committee in the forthcoming 12 month period.


AGREED      (unanimously) that the Economic Development Committee’s Forward Plan be noted.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

To consider resolving that, under section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


AGREED      (unanimously) that, under section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 3 of part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Newark Lorry Park (Appendix Only)


NOTED       the Newark Lorry Park Business Plan 2019/2020 to 2024/2025 which was the exempt appendix to Agenda Item No. 6 – Newark Lorry Park.