Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 1BY
Contact: Nigel Hill Tel: 01636 655243 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest by Members and Officers Minutes: There were no declarations of interest by Members or Officers. |
Notification to those present that the meeting will be recorded and streamed online Minutes: The Chairman advised that the proceedings were being recorded and streamed online in accordance with the usual practice. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered the report, presented by Councillor R. Holloway, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development & Visitors, which sought approval for the publication of the Amended Allocations & Development Management Development Plan Document (DPD) for a period of public representation. This had been recommended by the Cabinet at their meeting held on 1 November 2022.
The report advised that the Council had been conducting a review of its Development Plan, with the first element being the completion of the Amended Core Strategy in March 2019. The second element of the Development Plan, the Allocations & Development Management DPD had now been finalised, ready for submission to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination.
The report detailed the four focussed elements together with information on the public consultations undertaken and the responses received therefrom. It was also reported that there had been significant work undertaken to develop a Gypsy & Traveller Pitch Delivery Strategy.
The DPD report provided, at Appendix 1, highlighted the amendments together with the proposed amendments to Allocations, the update to Development Management Policies and there was an addition of a new Chapter 8, which included updated affordable housing policies and policies for meeting Gypsy, Romany & Traveller housing needs.
In considering the report Members were supportive of the proposals and made reference to the importance of the document and the need for representations to be made by all parts of the community, including parish councils and individuals, as well as developers. General comments were made in relation to affordable housing, the need for the provision of bungalows for an aging population, national entry level constraints, provision of cemeteries, and the provision of carbon neutral housing. It was also noted that no new allocations had been included in the document.
On behalf of the Council, the Chairman thanked all those Officers in the Planning Policy & Infrastructure Business Unit for their efforts with the review process, and those Members who had sat on the Local Development Framework Task Group.
AGREED (with 33 votes for and 1 against) that:
(a) the proposals contained within Appendices 1, 2 and 3 of the report, subject to any minor modifications, form the basis of the Publication Amended Allocations Development Management DPD and amended Policies Map; and
(b) the documents be published for a period of Public Representation, week commencing 14 November 2022.
Councillor M Skinner left the meeting at 6.10pm and did not take part in the debate or voting of the above item. |