Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 1BY
Contact: Nigel Hill Tel: 01636 655243 Email:
No. | Item |
Election of the Chair for 2023/24 Minutes: Councillor Mrs S Michael moved and Councillor T Wendels seconded that Councillor Mrs P Rainbow be elected Chair of Newark & Sherwood District Council for the 2023/24 municipal year.
Councillor P Peacock moved and Councillor L Brazier seconded that Councillor Mrs C Brooks be elected Chair of Newark & Sherwood District Council for the 2023/24 municipal year.
The two nominations for the Office of Chair were put to the meeting. The voting was as follows:
Councillor Mrs P Rainbow 13 votes Councillor Mrs C Brooks 19 votes
There were 2 abstentions.
AGREED that Councillor Mrs C Brooks be elected Chair of Newark & Sherwood District Council for the 2023/24 municipal year.
(Councillor Mrs C Brooks signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and received the Chain of Office from the Retiring Chair.) |
Presentation of Past Chairman's Badge Minutes: Councillor Mrs Brooks presented the past Chair’s badge to Councillor Mrs Saddington.
(As the newly elected Chair, Councillor Mrs Brooks took the Chair for the remainder of the meeting.)
Election of Vice-Chair of the Council for 2023/24 Minutes: Councillor Mrs R Cozens moved and Councillor D Moore seconded that Councillor Mrs J Hall be elected Vice-Chair of Newark & Sherwood District Council for the 2023/24 municipal year.
Councillor J Kellas moved and Councillor S Haynes seconded that Councillor J Lee be elected Vice-Chair of Newark & Sherwood District Council for the 2023/2024 municipal year.
The two nominations for the Office of Vice-Chair were put to the meeting. The voting was as follows:
Councillor Mrs J Hall 22 Councillor J Lee 12
AGREED that Councillor Mrs J Hall be elected Vice-Chair of Newark & Sherwood District Council for the 2023/24 municipal year.
(Councillor Mrs Hall signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and received the Vice-Chair’s Chain of Office.)
Declarations of Interest by Members and Officers Minutes: There were no declarations of interest from Members and Officers and the Council noted the interests previously declared by Members in Agenda Item No. 18 – Minutes for Noting.
Notification to those present that the meeting will be recorded and streamed online Minutes: Other than the Council recording in accordance with usual practice, there were no declarations of intention to record the meeting. |
Minutes from the meeting held on 9 March 2023 PDF 740 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: AGREED that that minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2023 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
To Appoint an Executive Leader Minutes: Councillor Mrs R Cozens moved and Councillor K Melton seconded that Councillor P Peacock be appointed as the Council’s Executive Leader for 2023/24.
AGREED (with 21 votes for, 13 against and 2 abstentions) that Councillor P Peacock be appointed as the Council’s Executive Leader for 2023/24.
To Note the Leader's Appointment of the Deputy Leader, Cabinet Members and Portfolio Holders Minutes: In advising of his appointments to Deputy Leader, Cabinet Members and Portfolio Holders, Councillor Peacock took the opportunity to pay tribute to ex-Councillor Roger Blaney.
Councillor Peacock advised that he was to hold the position of Portfolio Holder for Strategy, Performance & Finance and he advised of the interim Cabinet as follows:
Councillor M Spoors - Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Economic Development & Visitors Councillor Mrs C Penny - Portfolio Holder for Organisational Development & Governance Councillor L Brazier - Portfolio Holder for Homes & Health Councillor P Taylor - Portfolio Holder for Cleaner, Safer, Greener Councillor Mrs R Holloway - Appointed as Member of Cabinet without Portfolio
Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Chief Executive which sought to consider the political composition of the Council and proposals for the allocation of seats on Committees to Political Groups, as required by Council Procedure Rule No. 1.1.2.
Section 15 of the Local Government & Housing Act 1989 required the Council to consider the political composition of the Council. This Act, together with the Local Government (Committees & Political Groups) Regulations 1990, required the Council to allocate seats on committees on a proportional basis in accordance with the number of seats held on the Council by each political group.
The report detailed the new political composition of the Council and set out the committees which were required to reflect the political balance of the Council. It was noted that the terms of reference for the Board of the Trustees of the Gilstrap restricted membership to Newark Ward Members, however this was not possible given the result of the elections. Therefore, it was proposed to make a minor amendment to the terms of reference to state that membership was restricted to Newark Ward Members, subject to political proportionality rules.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
a) the allocation of seats to Political Groups (as set out in Appendix A to these Minutes) be approved; and
b) the terms of reference for the Board of Trustees of the Gilstrap Charity be amended as set out in paragraph 2.4 of the report.
To Allocate Chair Persons, Vice-Chair Persons and Members to Committees etc. Minutes: The Council were circulated with a proposed schedule of appointments to the Council’s Committees, including the positions of Chairs and Vice-Chairs and substitute Members.
AGREED (with 23 votes for and 13 against) that the appointments of the Chairs and Vice-Chairs on Committees and the appointment of other Members to Committee etc. as set out in the schedule at Appendix B to the Minutes, be approved.
Appointment of Independent Persons PDF 535 KB Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer which sought to consider the appointments of Paul Cox and Sarah Britton as Independent Persons to the Council for a further 4-year term.
AGREED (unanimously) that Paul Cox and Sarah Britton be appointed as Independent Persons to the Council for a further 4-year term to May 2027. |
Minutes for Noting |
Cabinet - 21 March 2023 PDF 422 KB Additional documents:
Executive Shareholder Committee - 21 March 2023 PDF 418 KB Additional documents:
Policy and Performance Improvement Committee - 6 March 2023 PDF 441 KB |
Record of Urgent Decisions Participation in Local Authority Housing Fund Project (Exempt)
Health and Safety Works at Southwell Leisure Centre (Exempt)
Alexander Lodge Temporary Accommodation – Additional Budget Request (Exempt)
Additional documents:
Minutes: NOTED the record of exempt urgent decisions taken in accordance with the provisions of the Council’s Constitution. |