Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 1BY
Contact: Nigel Hill Tel: 01636 655243 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest by Members and Officers Minutes: Prior to the transaction of business, the Council stood in silence in memory of District Councillor Michael Brown and Robert Hayden who worked in Grounds Maintenance.
There were no declarations of interest from Members or Officers and the Council noted the interests previously declared by Members in Agenda Item No. 11 – Minutes for Noting. |
Notification to those present that the meeting will be recorded and streamed online Minutes: The Chairman advised the Council that the meeting was being recorded and streamed online in accordance with the usual practice. |
Minutes from the meeting held on 17 May 2022 Additional documents:
Minutes: AGREED that that minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 17 May 2022 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Communications which the Chairman, Leader, Chief Executive and Portfolio Holders may wish to lay before the Council Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Councillor Mike Pringle to the Council following his success in the Ollerton Ward by-election held on 30 June 2022.
The Chairman informed the Council that her chosen charity for her Civic Year was to be Child Bereavement who were based in Newark, but operated across the County and Lincolnshire. She encouraged Members to purchase raffle tickets following the meeting, the proceeds of which would go to them.
The Chairman also advised the Council that she had represented the Council at many events over recent weeks, including the Nottinghamshire County Council Civic Service at Southwell Minster, the Queens Platinum Jubilee Service and the Lord Lieutenant’s Garden Party.
The Deputy Leader, Councillor K Girling announced that Newark & Sherwood District Council had been awarded the Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Award for the outstanding support for the Armed Forces Community.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor D Lloyd, confirmed that the Council were now in receipt of the auditor’s report on the London Road Municipal Building entitled ‘Lessons Learnt’. He confirmed that the report would be considered by the Audit & Governance Committee at their meeting to be held on 27 July 2022, along with a covering report from officers and an action plan arising from the auditor’s recommendations.
Councillor D Lloyd stated that the repot rightly focused on ensuring sound governance and decision making were in place going forward and he welcomed the learning which was already being acted upon. He reflected that this issue had had a reputational and financial impact on the Council. The Leader stated that many people had been affected by this issue and that he was genuinely sorry for this. |
In accordance with Rule No.3.1 to receive the presentation or the debating of any Petitions from Members of the Council ‘We are all well aware of the climate crisis and the need for every person and household to play their part. In order to significantly reduce waste to landfill we feel there is an urgent need to improve kerbside recycling in Newark. Kerbside recycling should include glass and food waste as well as the existing services. We need more clarity on what can/can’t be recycled and a community campaign to increase recycling and make Newark an eco-friendly town. We all want to play our part in looking after our planet and community, and with improved recycling services we can make a huge difference’.
To be presented by Councillor R. Jackson, as the Portfolio Holder for Cleaner, Safer Greener on behalf of the petition organiser Mrs Clare Maydew. Minutes: In accordance with Rule No.3.1 Councillor R Jackson, as the Portfolio Holder for Cleaner, Safer Greener presented a petition to the Council on behalf of the petition organiser Mrs Clare Maydew. The petition called for the need to improve kerbside recycling which should include glass and food waste. The petition had 170 signatures. Councillor R Jackson welcomed the petition, and confirmed that the Council were always looking at different items which can be recycled at the kerbside, as well as encouraging recycling throughout the District.
Questions from Members of the Public and Council In accordance with Rule No. 3.3.2 the following questions have been submitted to the Council from members of the public:
(i) Darrell Pointing
If NSDC are as green as they claim to be, can you please tell me why you don’t have a policy of leaving road and path verges along with large areas of open grass to grow naturally during the wild flower season to help bees and other flora and fauna survive. If you are worried about some of the short grass and straight lines brigade getting upset you could get your contractors / groundsmen to cut a narrow strip adjacent to pathways and roads showing that the grass areas are still being managed by the council. This would not only be of great help to wildlife but would save a great deal of resources and energy (fuel) leading to a saving in taxpayers money and help to combat climate change. This is already common practice with many councils.
(ii) Jennifer Harding
I have read the Assurance Lincolnshire Audit Report - Titled "Lessons Learned", dated 27th June 2022. I would like to know who bears ultimate responsibilityfor the failures that lead to the lack of the following:-
· due diligence · asset management plans and disposal plans · public engagement · public consultation · evidence for the need for car parking · a sound commercial case · legal and financial opinions · consideration of the environmental impact
And with reference to Para 1.28 on page 6 of the Audit Report, I ask similarly, who is ultimately responsible for the "deal" which cost the Council over £500,000 of taxpayers money?
(iii) Wendy Patterson
When Protect Newark Green Spaces’ representatives met with Lucy Pledge and her colleagues at Assurance Lincolnshire, a range of issues were discussed which related to the substantial written submission PNGS had sent prior to the meeting. These included:
Freedom of Information process Risk assessments given to contractors informing them that violence towards workers was a risk, including missile-throwing and drone-dropping The behaviour of council contractors during the protests, including the health and safety concerns
Detailed review of the protest and actions taken Complaints process
Protect Newark Green Spaces’ representatives were told at the meeting that all these issues were within the scope of the inquiry. Who decided that they were not within its scope and when was that decision made? Minutes: In accordance with Rule No. 15.1, members of the public submitted questions to the Council. Details of the questions put forward and the responses given from Councillors R Jackson and D Lloyd are attached as Appendix A to these minutes. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Assistant Director – Legal & Democratic Services concerning the allocation of seats on Committees to Political Groups, following the by-election for the vacancy on the Ollerton Ward held on 30 June 2022.
The proposed allocation of seats was set out in Appendix A to the report. The proposed allocation was based on 38 Members given the vacancy in the Edwinstowe & Clipstone Ward.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the Council agree the allocation of seats to Political Groups in accordance with Appendix A to the report; and
(b) three changes be made in the Committee membership as follows:
1. Councillor P Peacock replacing Councillor J Lee stepping on the Planning Committee; 2. Councillor M Pringle replacing Councillor E Davis on the Policy & Performance Improvement Committee; and 3. Councillor E Davis being appointed to the Audit & Governance Committee. |
Record of Urgent Decision - Sherwood Forest Landscape Recovery Pilot Bid Minutes: In accordance with Part D, Section 6 of the Council’s Constitution the Council received the urgent decision taken in relation to the Sherwood Forest Landscape Recovery Pilot Bid. To participate in a bid, being led by the Wildlife Trust, which had the potential to transform investment in the habitats, species and landscapes of the Sherwood Forest area, an urgent decision was required given the bid submission date of 24 May 2022.
The urgent decision taken was to approve the inclusion of Intake Wood, Vicar Water Country Park and Sherwood Heath in the Sherwood Forest Landscape Recovery Bid.
AGREED (unanimously) that the urgency item be noted. |
Minutes for Noting |
Policy and Performance Improvement Committee - 13 June 2022 |
Trustee Board of the Gilstrap and William Edward Knight Charities - 5 May 2022 |
Planning Committee - 7 July 2022 Additional documents:
Cabinet - 12 July 2022 Minutes: Minute No. 19 Community Grant Scheme Awards
Councillor Harris requested that for future meetings, the full details if the community grants awarded are included as an appendix to the minutes. |