Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 1BY
Contact: Nigel Hill Tel: 01636 655243 Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Minutes from the meeting held on 13 July 2021 Additional documents:
Minutes: Prior to the transaction of business, the Council stood in silence in memory of District Councillor Kath Arnold.
AGREED (unanimously) that that minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2021 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Declarations of Interest by Members and Officers and as to the Party Whip Minutes: Councillor D. Lloyd advised of his reasons for not taking part in the meeting during consideration of Agenda Item 9 - London Road Car Park.
There were no other declarations of interest and the Council noted the interests previously declared by members in Agenda Item No. 16 – Minutes for Noting. |
Declarations of any Intentions to Record the Meeting Minutes: Other than the Council recording in accordance with usual practice, there were no declarations of intention to record the meeting. The Chairman advised that the meeting was being streamed live. |
Questions from Members of the Council and Public In accordance with Rule No. 14.1 Councillor P. Peacock has submitted the following question to Council.
“This year, as in all recent years, we have witnessed an increased number of instances of extreme weather causing death and destruction in all continents of the world. One particular instance of extreme weather occurred in British Columbia when temperatures reached 49.5 degrees Celsius causing a 195% increase in sudden deaths and increased numbers of wildfires which led to public and emergency services to be stretched to breaking point. Whole communities were overcome by the effects of extreme heat without being aware of the danger.
There is little reason to suppose that such circumstances could not occur in the UK, so my question is what lessons can be learnt from the experience of British Columbia by the Council in terms of responding to keep residents of the district safe and ensuring that our services and those of our local emergency services are not overwhelmed in such circumstances?” Minutes: In accordance with Rule No. 14, Councillor P. Peacock submitted a question to the Council. Details of the question put forward and the response given from Councillor T. Wendels are attached as Appendix A to these minutes. |
London Road Car Park Minutes: Councillor D. Lloyd left the meeting during consideration of this item.
The Council considered the report of the Director - Planning & Growth, which provided Members with an update on the London Road Car Park extension scheme, including a range of potential future options moving forward. A review of the of the London Road Car Park extension scheme was requested in response to a petition presented to Full Council on 7 March 2019.
It was noted that the matter was reported to the Policy & Finance Committee at their meeting held on 23 September 2021, however, late information had been received just prior to that meeting, and subsequently the Policy & Finance Committee resolved to refer the matter to Full Council.
The comprehensive report presented to the Council included options reflecting the late information received. The options appraisal section to the report set out the five options open to the Council and also detailed options which were no longer available. In addition, there was an exempt appendix including confidential information which had been provided to Members
Councillor K. Girling proposed, and Councillor R. Blaney seconded the recommendations as set out in the report, which were to approve the progression of recommended option B.
In debating the item, Members acknowledged the strength of public feeling on the matter, however, Members were mindful of the Council’s legal obligations, and the cost to the authority should the proposed development not proceed.
In accordance with Rule 26.4, Councillor P. Peacock proposed, and Councillor L. Goff seconded progression of option A, as detailed in the report.
On being put to the vote, the proposal for progressing Option A fell, with 6 votes for, 24 votes against and 2 abstentions. Therefore, a vote on the original motion was taken.
AGREED (with 23 votes for, 7 against and 2 abstentions) that:
(a) the Council approve the progression of recommended option B; and
(b) the Council approve an initial start on site to meet the requirements of the planning permission being maintained by November 2021 in the interests of retaining the current planning permission.
Note – the financial elements to the decision in relation to completing the works and providing for additional tree planting and landscaping were contained in the exempt report.
A recorded vote was taken as follows:
Treasury Management Outturn Report 2020/21 Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Deputy Chief Executive / Director – Resources and Section 151 Officer which provided an opportunity to review the Annual Treasury Outturn report which was attached as Appendix A to the report. The Treasury Management Strategy Statement for 2020/21 was approved by the Council on 9 March 2020, and the Outturn report was the last report for the financial year, as required by the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management. The report had been considered by the Audit and Accounts Committee at their meeting 28 July2021.
AGREED (unanimously) that the Treasury Outturn position for 2020/21 be noted.
Audit & Accounts Committee Annual Report Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Deputy Chief Executive / Director – Resources and Section 151 Officer which informed Members of the activity undertaken by the Audit & Accounts Committee during the 2020/21 financial year. The report concluded that the Committee had discharged its responsibilities in accordance with the Constitution, and had added value through recommending that the Council appoint an Independent Member to achieve greater scrutiny over the reports presented to the Committee.
AGREED (unanimously) that the Council notes the activity of the Audit & Accounts Committee in 2020/21. |
Members Independent Remuneration Panel Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Assistant Director - Legal and Democratic Services concerning the reconvening of the Members Independent Remuneration Panel to consider a new Scheme of Members Allowance to reflect the new governance arrangements scheduled to be adopted by the Council from May 2022.
The last panel conducted their previous review in late 2020, and it was proposed to reconvene the same panel to undertake this further review. An indicative timetable for the review was set out in the report.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the Members Allowance Independent Remuneration Panel be reconvened in accordance with section 3 of the report; and
(b) the payments for the Panel be set as £2,000 for the Chairman and £1,200 for the two further members, which would be financed from the Corporate Change Management budget.
Appointment of Representative on Outside Bodies - Southwell Leisure Centre Trust Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Chief Executive which sought to change an appointment on the Southwell Leisure Centre Board of Trustees following the resignation of Paul Handley as a Trustee.
AGREED (unanimously) that the replacement of Paul Handley with Councillor B. Laughton, as the District Council’s representative on the Southwell Leisure Centre Trust, be approved.
The Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Compact Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Director – Housing, Health and Wellbeing, which sought adoption of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Compact by the Council. The Policy & Finance Committee had recommended adoption of the Compact at their meeting on 23 September 2021. The Compact had been designed to provide a strong foundation for collaborative working between public sector partners and the voluntary and community sector.
AGREED (unanimously) that the Council adopt the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Compact.
Notices of Motion In accordance with Rule No. 13.1, Councillor P. Peacock will move and Councillor Mrs D. Cumberlidge will second a motion to the following effect:
“The Council notes that:
· The ‘uplift’ to Universal Credit of £20 per week (£86.67 per month) is scheduled to end on 6 October 2021; · The latest figures show that 5.9 million people in the United Kingdom claim Universal Credit, up from 3 million claimants before the Covid pandemic; · Nationally the withdrawal of the ‘uplift’ will affect six in every ten single parent families and that 40% of all claimants are in work; · Here in Newark and Sherwood 9045 people currently claim Universal Credit, before the COVID pandemic that number was 4363, a rise of 107%; · Currently Newark and Sherwood District Council has 2056 claims for Council Tax support from Universal Credit Claimants, before the Covid pandemic that number was 1330, a rise of 55%; and · Current price inflation, food shortages and increasing energy bills disproportionately affect those on the lowest incomes in Newark and Sherwood and the United Kingdom as a whole.
Therefore, Newark and Sherwood District Council shall write to the Prime Minister urging that the £20 ‘uplift’ in Universal Credit be maintained/re-instated to enable Universal Credit claimants to adapt to the recent increased costs of living.” Minutes: In accordance with Rule No. 13.1, Councillor P. Peacock moved and Councillor Mrs D. Cumberlidge seconded a motion to the following effect:
“The Council notes that: · The ‘uplift’ to Universal Credit of £20 per week (£86.67 per month) is scheduled to end on 6 October 2021; · The latest figures show that 5.9 million people in the United Kingdom claim Universal Credit, up from 3 million claimants before the Covid pandemic; · Nationally the withdrawal of the ‘uplift’ will affect six in every ten single parent families and that 40% of all claimants are in work; · Here in Newark and Sherwood 9045 people currently claim Universal Credit, before the COVID pandemic that number was 4363, a rise of 107%; · Currently Newark and Sherwood District Council has 2056 claims for Council Tax support from Universal Credit Claimants, before the Covid pandemic that number was 1330, a rise of 55%; and · Current price inflation, food shortages and increasing energy bills disproportionately affect those on the lowest incomes in Newark and Sherwood and the United Kingdom as a whole.
Therefore, Newark and Sherwood District Council shall write to the Prime Minister urging that the £20 ‘uplift’ in Universal Credit be maintained/reinstated to enable Universal Credit claimants to adapt to the recent increased costs of living.”
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule No. 26.4, Councillor D. Lloyd moved and Councillor K. Girling seconded an amendment to the motion to change the wording to the following:
“The Council notes that:
· The ‘uplift’ to Universal Credit of £20 per week (£86.67 per month) is scheduled to end on 6 October 2021. · The latest figures show that 5.9 million people in the United Kingdom claim Universal Credit, up from 3 million claimants before the Covid pandemic. · Nationally the withdrawal of the ‘uplift’ will affect six in every ten single parent families and that 40% of all claimants are in work. · Here in Newark and Sherwood 9045 people currently claim Universal Credit, before the COVID pandemic that number was 4363, a rise of 107%. · Currently Newark and Sherwood District Council has 2056 claims for Council Tax support from Universal Credit Claimants, before the Covid pandemic that number was 1330, a rise of 55%. · Current price inflation, food shortages and increasing energy bills disproportionately affect those on the lowest incomes in Newark and Sherwood and the United Kingdom as a whole.
Newark and Sherwood District Council recognises that temporary funds which were activated during, and to address, the lockdowns and pandemic restrictions are coming to an end. Simultaneously, that funds are being applied to the recovery of the economy and to skills development. Employment levels are approaching pre-pandemic levels and job vacancies are at a record high. This Council will continue to jointly monitor the impact of changes on our residents, using economic and social data, and will apply new funds, relevant advice and support wherever possible as it has done throughout the pandemic. We shall write to the Prime Minister asking that the decision not to sustain / re-instate the ... view the full minutes text for item 38. |
Minutes for Noting |
Policy & Finance Committee - 23 September 2021 Additional documents:
Minutes: (i) Minute No. 253 – Reconstitution of Working Parties/ Task and Finish Groups
It was confirmed that Councillor P. Peacock would be appointed as the Policy & Finance Committee representative on the Local Development Framework Task Group.
(ii) Minute No. 254 – Street Naming and Numbering Policy
Councillor L. Goff asked why the new street naming and numbering policy which had been adopted required a person to have been dead for 20 years before a street could be named after them.
Councillor P. Harris added that this would mean that some key figures in the community may miss out on having streets named after them.
Councillor D. Lloyd advised that the policy adopted reflected national policy and advice the Council had received. He also advised that the Council was not the final arbiter when selecting street names.
(iii) Minute No. 257 – Enviro Crime- Strengthening our Enforcement Activity
Councillor P. Harris asked for details of when the one year pilot scheme would commence. Councillor R. Jackson confirmed that he would advise all Members of the start date.
Economic Development Committee - 8 September 2021 Minutes: Minute No. 24 – North Clifton School – Options Consultation Response
Councillor P. Harris asked if there had been any outcome following the recent consultation undertaken by the County Council in respect of the future of North Clifton Primary School. Councillor K. Girling advised that closure of the school had been deferred for one year and a further review would be undertaken. |
Homes & Communities Committee - 13 September 2021 |
Leisure & Environment Committee - 21 September 2021 |
Audit and Accounts - 28 July 2021 |
Audit & Accounts Committee - 29 September 2021 Additional documents: |
Shareholder Committee - 14 September 2021 Additional documents:
Exclusion of the Press and Public To consider resolving that, under section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. Minutes: AGREED that, under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. |
London Road Car Park - Exempt Appendix Minutes: The Council received the exempt appendix to the London Road Car Park report. |