Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG24 1BY
Contact: Nigel Hill Tel: 01636 655243 Email:
No. | Item | ||
Minutes from the meeting held on 15 May 2018 PDF 229 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: AGREED that the minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2018 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Declarations of Interest by Members and Officers and as to the Party Whip Minutes: NOTED:- (a) the interests declared as shown in the schedule circulated at the meeting; and
(b) the additional interest which was declared at the meeting as follows:
Declarations of any Intentions to Record the Meeting Minutes: Other than the Council recording in accordance with usual practice, there were no declarations of intention to record the meeting. |
Communications which the Chairman or the Chief Executive may wish to lay before the Council Minutes: The Chairman expressed his thanks, on behalf of the Council, to firefighters from the district who had assisted colleagues in dealing with the recent moor fires in Lancashire.
Communications which the Leader of the Council and Committee Chairmen may wish to lay before the Council Minutes: Councillor D Lloyd referred to the motion agreed by Nottinghamshire County Council to prepare a business case for the creation of a unitary authority for the county. He advised that the districts would cooperate in the compilation of the business case but this Council’s views on any proposal would not be made until the business case had been completed.
Members of the Council noted and endorsed the stance taken by the Leader of the Council. |
Newark Community Governance Review PDF 242 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Acting Chief Executive which sought to approve and publish final proposals for the Community Governance Review of the Newark Town Council boundaries.
At their meeting held on 10 April 2018 the Council approved draft proposals for the review of the Newark Town Council boundaries and agreed to publish these for a period of consultation which ended on 25 May 2018. A total of 22 responses were received during this final consultation process. These included representations from Newark Town Council and Balderton Parish Council. All the representations were considered by the Community Governance Review Working Party meeting held on 28 June 2018.
The final proposals as recommended by the Working Party were set out in Appendix A to the report. In view of the representations from those residents living in properties 92 – 102 London Road, Newark the Working Party had agreed one amendment to the draft proposals with the final proposals now showing an unaltered boundary apart from a slight change to redraw along the back gardens to several properties (map 2 referred). The Working Party also recommended that the whole of the Highfields development site be unified in a single parish and they considered this should be Balderton. Map 2 had also been revised from the draft proposals to include the whole development site.
The following final proposals were AGREED as follows:
(a) (unanimously) that the eastern boundary with Winthorpe and Langford Parish Council be redrawn along the A1 (Map 3 referred);
(b) (with 32 votes for and 3 against) that the boundary with Balderton Parish Council around the Highfields School site be redrawn so the whole of the site be placed in Balderton Parish Council (Map 2 referred);
(c) (with 19 votes for and 16 against) that the southern boundary with Balderton Parish Council be redrawn to follow the line of the Sustrans route (Map 1 refers); and
(d) that following consent from the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, Officers draw up the Community Governance Order to take effect from 1 December 2018.
(Councillor J Lee, having declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, left the meeting during the consideration of this item).
Appointments of Representatives on Outside Bodies - Patient & Public Engagement Committee PDF 229 KB Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Acting Chief Executive which sought to confirm representatives on the new Patient and Public Engagement Committee. This new body was to replace the Newark and Sherwood Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Stakeholder Reference Group.
At the Annual Council Meeting on 15 May 2018, Councillor N Mison was appointed as the representative on the Newark and Sherwood CCG Stakeholder Reference Group with Councillor D Staples as substitute. It was proposed that these appointments be carried forward to this replacement body.
AGREED (unanimously) that Councillor N Mison and Councillor D Staples (as substitute) be appointed as the Council representatives of the new Patient and Public Engagement Committee.
Late Item - Making Newark & Sherwood Cleaner, Safer, Greener, a Place we are all Proud Of PDF 259 KB Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with Section 100(B)(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 the Chairman agreed to take this late item of business in order to consider the launch of a campaign to make Newark and Sherwood a Cleaner, Safer and Greener district, prior to the summer recess.
The Council considered the report of the Director – Customers which sought approval to implement the Cleaner, Safer, Greener campaign. The campaign strategy was attached as Appendix A to the report. The strategy set out key objectives relating to littering, graffiti, dog fouling and other environmental offences and a set of performance indicators had been developed to measure success in achieving those objectives. It was intended that the launch of the new strategy would be reinforced through a media and public awareness campaign which would seek to encourage a partnership approach to securing the objective of a cleaner, safer and greener environment together with residents, businesses, key partners and parish and town councils.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the Council formally adopts the Cleaner, Safer, Greener Campaign Strategy as attached at Appendix A to the report; and
(b) a report be submitted to the September meeting of the Policy & Finance Committee with a view to the appointment of 2 dedicated officers to promote and enforce the strategy on a pilot basis, with consideration being given to the allocation of additional resources in the 2019/20 budget to further increase the officer capacity and associated resources to promote the cleaner, safer, greener agenda.
Additional documents:
Minutes: (a) Policy & Finance Committee – 28 June 2018
(i) Minute No. 10 - Review of Leisure Centre Provision
Councillor D. Staples advised that he understood that the swimming pool at the Dukeries Leisure Centre had not been filled as had previously been reported and asked if the Chairman would reconsider a further report to consider providing swimming activities at the Dukeries Leisure Centre as an alternative to the current solution being developed at Wellow House School.
Councillor D. Lloyd confirmed that the Council may have been misinformed and undertook to request officers to approach Dukeries Academy to discuss possible use of the pool. In light of these discussions Councillor D. Lloyd confirmed that any significant work on site at Wellow House School would be put on hold pending the outcome of those discussions.
(ii) Minute No. 14 - Asset Transfer- Rainworth Village Hall
Councillor Mrs L. Tift expressed her thanks to the District Council in assisting with the work to transfer Rainworth Village Hall to Rainworth Parish Council.
(b) Economic Development Committee – 20 June 2018
(c) Homes & Communities Committee – 11 June 2018
(d) Leisure & Environment Committee – 26 June 2018
(e) General Purposes Committee – 14 June 2018
(f) Licensing Committee – 14 June 2018
(g) Planning Committee – 5 June and 3 July 2018