Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, NG24 1BY
Contact: Catharine Saxton Email:
No. | Item |
Notification to those present that the meeting will be recorded and streamed online Minutes: The Chairman informed the Committee that the Council was undertaking an audio recording of the meeting and that it was being live streamed. |
Declarations of Interest by Members and Officers Minutes: Councillors A Freeman and K Melton declared an other registrable interests for any relevant items, as they were appointed representatives on the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board.
Councillor T Smith declared an other registrable interest as Ward Member for Rainworth South & Blidworth as he had taken part in community meetings in relation to Minute 53 from the last meeting, Land South of Dale Lane, Blidworth.
Mr M Lamb, Director of Planning & Growth declared an interest in Land off Mansfield Road, Clipstone and left the room when the application was considered.
Minutes of the meeting held on 5 September 2024 Minutes: AGREED that the minutes of the meeting held on 5 September 2024 to include an omission to Minute 53 Land South of Dale Lane, Blidworth, that the Nottinghamshire County Council Highway to consider to move the speed limit back, the minutes were then signed by the Chair. |
Change to Order of Applications Minutes: The Chair asked the committee to consider a change to the order of the last three applications, item 11 to move up to item 9, item 9 to move down to item 10 and item 10 to move down to item 11. This would not delay proceedings as the change in order meant the last two items did not have any public speakers taking part.
AGREED (unanimously) that the order of applications be taken as agreed. |
Land off Mansfield Road, Clipstone - 23/00832/FULM (Major) Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Acting Business Manager – Planning Development, which sought the development of 126 dwellings with open space, landscaping, highways and drainage infrastructure and associated works on land off Mansfield Road, Clipstone.
This application has been referred to the Planning Committee for determination by the local ward member, Councillor Paul Peacock, due to concerns regarding the design of footpath at the perimeter of headstock land leading to Anti-Social Behaviour, too few bungalows, drainage concerns, no details regarding play area, added pressures on local health services, added pressures on education places and added pressure of further junction on Mansfield Road and only one road in and out of the estate.
Councillor Paul Peacock spoke as Local Ward Member and Richard West agent for the applicant spoke in support of the application.
Members considered the presentation from the Acting Business Manager Planning Development, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.
AGREED that Planning Permission be granted subject to a S106 Agreement and the conditions set out in Section 11 in the report. |
Checkers Farm, Priory Road, Thurgarton, NG14 7GU - 23/01779/FULM (Major) Site Visit: 12.10pm – 12.20pm Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Acting Business Manager – Planning Development, which sought the residential redevelopment of former farm complex comprising the demolition of existing buildings and conversion of agricultural buildings to create 3 dwellings and associated garages at Checkers Farm, Priory Road, Thurgarton, NG14 7GU.
A site visit had taken place prior to the commencement of the Planning Committee, for members as the proposal is particularly contentious, and the aspects being raised can only be viewed on site.
This application is being referred to the Planning Committee for determination, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution, because the application is a departure from the Development Plan.
Holly Grant spoke against the application and George Machin agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application.
Members considered the presentation from the Acting Business Manager Planning Development, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.
AGREED (unanimously) that Planning Permission be granted subject to the condition(s) detailed at Section 10.0 and the expiry of the press notice. |
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Acting Business Manager – Planning Development, for the change of use from stables building to single dwelling at Trent Valley Livery Ltd Trent Valley Equestrian Centre Occupation Lane Fiskerton Southwell NG25 0TR.
This application has been referred to the Planning Committee for determination, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution, because the proposal is a departure from the Development Plan.
George Machin agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application.
Members considered the presentation from the Acting Business Manager Planning Development, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.
AGREED (unanimously) that Planning Permission be granted subject to the conditions outlined at the end of this report.
Hendre Cottage, Main Street, Epperstone, NG14 6AD - 24/00814/HOUSE Site Visit: 11.30am – 11.40am Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Acting Business Manager – Planning Development for the erection of raised platform with screen fencing and ramp at Hendre Cottage, Main Street, Epperstone, NG14 6AD.
A site visit had taken place prior to the commencement of the Planning Committee, for members to benefit from seeing the site and understanding the context.
Councillor Tom Smith left the meeting
This application is being referred to the Planning Committee for determination by the Development Manager due to personal circumstances that have been put forward by the applicant to be considered as part of the application. Due to reasons of privacy and compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations, full details are not included within the report, however, should members wish to obtain further details then they should contact officers individually.
Councillor Paul Bracegirdle from Epperstone PC along with Councillor Roger Jackson who spoke as Local Ward Member and Colin Wells the applicant spoke in support of the application.
Members considered the presentation from the Acting Business Manager Planning Development, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.
AGREED it was voted unanimously that contrary to the Officer recommendation the application be approved subject to a condition requiring painting of the structure and legal agreement requiring the removal of the structure once no longer needed. |
Murphy Pipelines Ltd, Newark Road, Ollerton - 24/00317/FULM (Major) Site Visit: 10.40am – 10.50am Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Director – Planning & Growth for the extension to and re-development of site to provide new plant and vehicle workshop, welding services workshop, office and training academy, pylon training facility and other associated works at Murphy Pipelines Ltd, Newark Road, Ollerton.
A site visit had taken place prior to the commencement of the Planning Committee, for members to benefit from seeing the site and understanding the context.
This application is being referred to the Planning Committee for determination as it represents a material departure from policy within the Development Plan.
Councillor Lee Brazier spoke as Local Ward Member and the applicant spoke in support of the application.
The Chair indicated that the meeting duration had expired therefore a motion was moved by the Chair and seconded by the Vice Chair to continue the meeting. A motion to continue the meeting was voted on without discussion to continue for a further hour.
Members considered the presentation from the Director – Planning & Growth, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.
AGREED (unanimously) that Planning Permission be granted, subject to the recommended conditions within Section 10.0 of this report.
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Acting Business Manager – Planning Development for the application for removal of condition 04 for the time period for which a person can occupy the pitches for holiday use attached to planning permission 17/00147/FUL; Works to facilitate the siting of up to 15 additional caravans for holiday use (retrospective), at the Robin Hood Retreat Caravan Park, Belle Eau Park, Bilsthorpe, Newark on Trent NG22 8TY. This application is being referred to the Planning Committee for determination by the local ward member, Councillor Rainbow, on the grounds that: · The removal of the condition (4) would enable the site to become a permanent residential site which would have an impact on local tourism trade. Tourism is important to us all, it generates, revenue, jobs and in some cases supports communities. Visitor ‘turn-over’ is vital for the surrounding area and its attractions. · Environmental concerns regarding the effect a further 15 pitches would have on the current sewage system. Members considered the presentation from the Acting Business Manager Planning Development, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.
AGREED that Planning Permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed at Section 10.0.
Land At Bowbridge Road, Newark On Trent - 24/00618/FUL Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Acting Business Manager – Planning Development for the proposal of 5 bungalows on land at Bowbridge Road, Newark On Trent. This application is being referred to the Planning Committee for determination in line with the Scheme of Delegation, as the applicant is Newark and Sherwood District Council. Members considered the presentation from the Acting Business Manager Planning Development, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.
AGREED (unanimously) that Planning Permission be granted subject to the Conditions set out at Section 10.0 of this report.
Minutes: AGREED that the report be noted. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: AGREED that the report be noted. |