Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday, 8th June, 2023 4.00 pm

Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, Notts, NG24 1BY

Contact: Catharine Saxton  Email:


No. Item


Declarations of Interest by Members and Officers


Councillors Mrs L Dales declared a Non-Registrable Interest as appointed representative on the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board.


Councillors J Lee declared a Non-Registrable Interest as appointed representative on the Nottingham Fire Authority.



Notification to those present that the meeting will be recorded and streamed online


The Chairman advised that the proceedings were being audio recorded and live streamed by the Council.



Minutes of the meeting held on 20 April 2023 pdf icon PDF 616 KB


AGREED     that the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 April 2023 were

                   approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Flaggs Farm, Caunton Road, Norwell, Newark on Trent, NG23 6LB - 23/00188/FULM pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Planning Development, which sought the change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian use, erection of new stables/livestock building.


Members considered the presentation from the Senior Planning Officer, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.


A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting, which detailed correspondence received following the publication of the agenda from the Planning Case Officer and Agent.


Members considered the application and a Member commented that Norwell Parish Council had voted against the application although it was confirmed by the Officer that they had in fact responded that they supported it.  It was commented that there was no agriculture on the land which brought into question whether it was an agricultural farm.  The two buildings present could have been adapted to make them suitable.  Concern was also raised that Nottinghamshire County Council Highways Authority were also not happy with the access, the land may flood and that the increase in buildings was too great and there was not a need.


Councillor J Lee did not take part in the vote as he had not read the Schedule of Communication.


AGREED           (with 11 votes For) that Planning Permission be Refused for the reasons                         contained within the report, with the revision to the wording of the                         informative no. 1 to correct the plan reference as per the schedule of                         communication and the deletion of informative no. 2 as drafted and a                         more suitable informative be added in its place to demonstrate how                         the authority had been positive and proactive as required by secondary                         legislation.


Councillor J Lee left the meeting at this point.


Land Off Clipstone Road, Edwinstowe - 23/00729/FUL pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Planning Development, which sought the erection of a site manager dwelling.


Members considered the presentation from the Senior Planning Officer, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.


Members considered the application and the Local Ward Member commented that whilst she was wary about the application the proposal replaced two building which would be demolished and would be in keeping with the buildings being erected. 


In answer to a Members question the Senior Planning Officer confirmed that it would not be reasonable to place a condition to tie the proposed building to the adjacent log cabin approved separately as part of a holiday park.  It was also confirmed that the permitted development rights had also been removed.


Councillor Mrs Tift entered the meeting during the Officers presentation but did not take part in the debate or vote.


AGREED           (with 9 votes For, 1 vote Against and 1 Abstention) that Planning                           Permission be approved subject to the conditions contained within the                         report.



Nominations to the Planning Policy Board Three Members of the Planning Committee to be nominated to the Planning Policy Board.


The Committee were asked to nominate three Members of the Planning Committee to sit on the Planning Policy Board. 


AGREED     (unanimously) that Councillors L Dales, D Moore and K Melton be appointed as the Planning Committee representatives on the Planning Policy Board for 2023/24.



Legislative Update And Introduction Of A Use Class For Short Term Lets And Associated Permitted Development Rights Consultation pdf icon PDF 762 KB


The Committee considered the report prepared by the Director of Planning & Growth which sought to appraise Members of the Planning Committee regarding changes to planning legislation; and to set before Planning Committee the latest permitted development right consultation and detail of the Council’s response.


 AGREED            (unanimously) that:


(a)        note the changes and their requirements; and

                          (b)      note the contents of the Council’s response to the permitted                           development consultation.


Appeals Lodged pdf icon PDF 432 KB


AGREED           that the report be noted.


Appeals Determined pdf icon PDF 443 KB


AGREED           that the report be noted.


Development Management Performance Report pdf icon PDF 781 KB


The Committee considered a report presented by the Business Manager - Planning Development, which related to the performance of the Planning Development Business Unit over the three-month period January to March 2023 as well as providing an overview of the performance and achievements across the financial year.  In order for the latest quarter’s performance to be understood in context, in some areas data going back to March 2020 was provided.  The performance of the Planning Enforcement team was provided as a separate report.


A Member commented that there was an expectation to try and do something more advantageous regarding planning policy in relation to biodiversity net gainand there was freedom of movement on this.  The Director Planning & Growth commented that any proposals would need to be considered by the Planning Policy Board.  Like all Policy decisions whether in the development plan or at a local level, a viability report would be required.


A Member asked for future consideration that all tree applications be submitted to the Planning Committee.  The Director Planning & Growth informed the Committee that the tree applications were part of the delegation procedure.  An annual review of all applications would be undertaken, and the tree applications could be considered through that process.


A discussion took place regarding the felling of trees and it was suggested that the tree officer provide a presentation to the Council, to get an understanding of what was happening regarding the felling and planting of trees within the district.


AGREED          that the report be noted.



Quarterly And Year End Planning Enforcement Activity Update Report pdf icon PDF 437 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report presented by the Senior Planning Enforcement Officer which provided an update on the Planning Enforcement function of the Planning Development Business Unit over the three-month period January to March 2023 as well as providing an overview of the performance and achievements across the financial year.  The Committee was also provided with examples of cases that had been resolved (both through negotiation and via the service of notices) and to provide details and explanations of notices that had been issued during that period.


The Chairman congratulated the Senior Planning Enforcement Officer and his team for the work that they had achieved. 


A Member requested a breakdown of the decisions made by the Planning Committee in relation to enforcement actionto be included in a future Enforcement Report.


AGREED          that the report be noted.