Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, Notts, NG24 1BY
Contact: Catharine Saxton Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest by Members and Officers Minutes: Councillor R.V. Blaney declared a Personal Interest in Agenda Item No. 17 – Active4Today Ltd., Newark Sports & Fitness Centre, Bowbridge Road, Newark (18/01097/FUL) as he is a member on the Board of Directors.
Councillors: Mrs A.C. Brooks, P.C. Duncan and D.R. Payne all declared a Non-Pecuniary Interest in the following Agenda Item Nos: 6 – Former Garage Site, Thorpe Close, Coddington (18/00413/FUL), 11 – Land off Westgate, Southwell (18/00832/FUL), 12 – 7 Allenby Road, Southwell (18/01006/FUL) and 16 – Former Garage Site Woodlands, Winthorpe (18/00630/FUL) as they were all Board Members of Newark and Sherwood Homes.
Councillor Mrs P. Rainbow declared a Personal Interest in the following Agenda Item Nos: 7 – 42 Lower Kirklington Road, Southwell (18/00394/FUL) and 10 – 22 Halloughton Road, Southwell (18/00785/FUL) as both the applicants were known to her. |
Declaration of any Intentions to Record the Meeting Minutes: The Chairman informed the Committee that the Council was undertaking an audio recording of the meeting. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the minutes of the meeting held on 24 July 2018.
AGREED that the minutes of the meeting held on 24 July 2018 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Land at Cinder Lane, Ollerton, Nottinghamshire (16/01102/OUTM) (MAJOR) Site Visit: 9.30am – 9.40am Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager - Growth & Regeneration, following a site inspection, which sought outline planning permission for a residential development for 25 dwellings with primary access off Cinder Lane with all other matters reserved.
The Business Manager – Growth & Regeneration advised the Committee of the reasons for the delay in bringing the application before them referring to the applicant needing to acquire land to address highways issues and the Council’s 5 Year Housing Land Supply position. He stated that the applicant had sought to address all technical reasons that might have resulted in the application being refused.
Members considered the application with the local Ward Member stating that he did not find the application acceptable and agreed with the officer recommendation of refusal, adding that it was outside of the village envelope and to grant would result in a development being located in open countryside.
It was noted that the site had previously been put forward for housing when the Local Plan and the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment was being developed and had, at that stage, been rejected. The application site remained outside of the development envelope and it was considered that there were no exceptional circumstances that warranted it to be granted.
AGREED (unanimously) that outline planning permission be refused for the reasons contained within the report. |
Former Garage Site, Thorpe Close, Coddington, Nottinghamshire (18/00413/FUL) Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager - Growth & Regeneration, which sought planning permission for the demolition of existing garages and the development of 1no. 3-bedroomed unit.
Councillor David Armstrong, representing Coddington Parish Council, spoke against the application in accordance with the views of the parish council, stating that the parish’s objections remained the same despite the revisions to the application. In response to whether he conceded that there was a need for 1 or 2 bedroomed social housing in the location, Councillor Armstrong conceded that there was such a need.
Members considered the application noting the Council’s ambitious 5 year programme for social housing and that they were seeking to make use of the sites in their ownership. Comment was made that the proposed 3-bedroomed unit was causing issues with the existing dwellings and how vehicular access would be achieved. It was suggested that the applicant be asked to consider reducing the footprint of the property which would protect the access to the existing dwellings.
AGREED (unanimously) that the item be deferred for one committee cycle and that the applicant be asked to consider reducing the footprint of the proposed dwelling having consideration of the comments above. |
42 Lower Kirklington Road, Southwell (18/00394/FUL) Site Visit: 10.30am – 10.40am Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager - Growth & Regeneration, which sought planning permission for a proposed new bungalow in the grounds of 42 Lower Kirklington Road, Southwell.
Members considered and supported the application. A Member queried whether the materials to be used on the hardstanding was permeable and requested that an additional condition be attached to require this in the interests of flood risk where necessary.
AGREED (with 10 votes for with 2 abstentions) that full planning permission be approved subject to the conditions contained in the report together with an additional condition where necessary requiring the use of permeable materials on the hardstanding in the interests of flood risk.
Order of Business Minutes: Due to an issue with technical equipment, the Chairman changed the order of business as follows. |
7 Allenby Road, Southwell (18/01006/FUL) Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager - Growth & Regeneration, which sought planning permission for the demolition of an existing single store outbuilding to the rear corner and the erection of a single storey extension at the rear corner to house lounge/diner and shower room together with the installation of a dropped kerb to the front.
AGREED (unanimously) that full planning permission be approved subject to the conditions and reasons contained within the report.
Active4today Ltd Newark Sports And Fitness Centre, Bowbridge Road, Newark (18/01097/FUL) Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager - Growth & Regeneration, which sought planning permission for the extension to and reorganisation of the car park to provide 56 additional spaces incorporating additional lighting, CCTV, lining works, road signage, drawing and landscaping.
AGREED (unanimously) that full planning permission be approved subject to the conditions contained within the report. |
Minutes: AGREED that the report be noted. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: AGREED that the report be noted. |
Quarterly Enforcement Activity Update Report Additional documents: Minutes: AGREED that the report be noted.
Exclusion of the Press and Public There are none. Minutes: The Committee were advised that the previously exempt report in relation to the Residential Development at Epperstone Manor, Main Street, Epperstone (05/01839/FULM, 07/00244/FULM and 08/018141/FULM) was no longer exempt.
The Business Manager – Growth & Regeneration advised that a revised Section 106 Agreement had been concluded that would secure the transfer of the recreational land to the District Council which in turn would be transferred to the Parish Council. |
Land Adjacent To The Manor House, Main Street, Hoveringham (18/00373/FUL) Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager - Growth & Regeneration, which sought planning permission for the proposed erection of 1no. 2-bedroomed dwelling.
It was reported that Planning Committee had considered and resolved to approve the application, contrary to Officer recommendations in May 2018. The Environment Agency had subsequently submitted comments that represented new material information that needed to be considered in an overall planning balance. Members were advised that the key point for consideration was whether the new information changed their overall resolution to grant planning permission.
Councillor Lady Helen Nall, representing Hoveringham Parish Council, again spoke in support of the application in accordance with the views of the parish council.
Councillor R.J. Jackson, local Ward Member for Dover Beck, also spoke in support of the application reiterating his previous comments that the application site was at the highest point within the village.
AGREED (with 11 votes for with 1 abstention) that contrary to Officer recommendation full planning permission be approved subject to demonstration that the proposal would minimise, as far as practicable, the flood risk to third parties to the satisfaction of Newark & Sherwood District Council and that appropriate and proportionate mitigation measures for possible flooding to be secured by conditions as well as other suitable conditions.
In accordance with paragraph 12.5 of the Planning Protocol, as the motion was against Officer recommendation, a recorded vote was taken.
Land at Main Street, North Muskham (18/00597/FULM) Site Visit: 10.00am – 10.10am Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager - Growth & Regeneration, following a site inspection, which sought planning permission for a proposed development of 12 affordable homes and 4 market bungalows which was a resubmission of Application No. 16/01885/FULM.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the Agenda was published from the following: Nottinghamshire County Council; 12 no. neighbours; LLFA; North Muskham Parish Council; LCC – Archaeology; and NSDC - Community Sports & Arts Development. A list of conditions and notes to the applicant had also been forwarded to Members after the Agenda had been published.
The Business Manager – Growth & Regeneration advised the Committee that the main areas for consideration were: need; the mix of affordable and market homes; flood risk; and impact on heritage addressing each in turn.
Councillor Ian Harrison, Chairman of North Muskham Parish Council, spoke against the application in accordance with the views of the parish council. He stated that the parish considered that there had been no discernible mitigation against the previous objections of the district council.
In considering the application, the Committee’s previous decision to refuse in September 2017 and the reasons given were noted. A Member commented that the issues surrounding heritage, need and flood risk had all now been satisfactorily addressed.
AGREED (with 9 votes for, 2 votes against with 1 abstention) that full planning permission be approved, subject to the conditions contained within the report and the signing of a S106 Agreement to secure the affordable housing was retained in perpetuity.
22 Halloughton Road, Southwell (18/00785/FUL) Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager - Growth & Regeneration, which sought planning permission for the demolition of an existing dwelling and replacement with a new 2 storey dwelling incorporating ancillary accommodation.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the Agenda was published from the applicant’s agent and a neighbour.
Councillor R.B. Laughton, local Ward Member, spoke against the application and in support of the Officer’s recommendation to refuse due to the design and character impact of the proposed dwelling.
The Business Manager – Growth & Regeneration advised that Officers had concerns with the description of the proposed dwelling and the impact that the proposal would have on the character and appearance of the area. He advised Members that they must consider whether the footprint of the proposal, location within the plot of land together with the scale and design of the property, noting the proposed domed aluminium roof, was acceptable.
In considering the application, Members noted that the comments of Southwell Town Council appeared to be contradictory. They were supportive of the proposal but had requested that the local Ward Member call it in on the grounds of loss of privacy on neighbouring properties and the visual impact of the aluminium roof.
Members agreed that they were not opposed to modern and innovative designs but that this was not the correct location and the plot of land was not large enough to accommodate it.
AGREED (with 11 votes for with 1 abstention) that planning permission be refused for the reasons contained within the report. |
Land Off Westgate Southwell (18/00832/FUL) Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager - Growth & Regeneration, which sought planning permission for the development of 1no. 3-bedroomed and 2no. 1-bedroomed bungalows.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the Agenda was published from: the applicant’s agent; Nottinghamshire County Council – Highways; and Southwell Town Council.
It was noted that the Committee had previously considered and deferred the application in July 2018 to allow Officers to negotiate a reduction in the scheme to 3 units and to make amendments to the parking provision to allocate spaces to respective dwellings. Following consultation on the revised Scheme, the Committee considered that the application was now acceptable.
AGREED (unanimously) that full planning permission be approved subject to the conditions contained within the report. |
Burton Joyce Car Centre, Old Main Road, Bulcote (17/01729/FULM) Site Visit: 10.55am – 11.05am Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager - Growth & Regeneration, following a site inspection, which sought planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and the erection of 43 retirement living apartments for the elderly including communal facilities, landscaping, car parking and ancillary development.
In considering the application a Member noted the comments of Planning Policy and Strategic Housing in relation to an affordable housing contribution. He also expressed concern about the apparent disparity between the appraisal summaries submitted by the applicant and that of the independent expert commissioned by the Council. In summary the Member stated that they were being asked to consider a development which they approved of in relation to location and design but which did not provide the Council with the commuted sum they were anticipating.
AGREED (with 11 votes for with 1 abstention) that:
(a) officers be given delegated authority to resolve the disparity between the appraisal summaries by either:
(i) negotiating an additional amount of monies towards the affordable housing contribution; or (ii)) verifing the accuracy of the Council’s aforementioned independent expert as to the findings contained within the appraisal summary;
(b) subject to additional monies being secured for the affordable housing contribution or verification that the previous findings from the independent viability assessor are correct, full planning permission be approved, subject to the applicant entering into a S106 Agreement to secure contributions towards affordable housing and community facilities and subject to the conditions contained within the report conditions (with delegated authority to amend flood risk/contamination conditions as appropriate with advice from relevant consultees) . |
3 Milner Street, Newark On Trent (18/01112/FUL) Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager - Growth & Regeneration, which sought planning permission for a change of use from garages and apartments into a single dwelling house.
Members considered the application and were fully supportive of the proposed change of use from garages and apartment into a single dwelling house.
AGREED (unanimously) that full planning permission be approved subject to the conditions contained within the report. |
Land Adjacent To 31 Darricott Close, Rainworth (18/00572/FUL) Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager - Growth & Regeneration, which sought planning permission for a change of use of public open space to extend the garden area of 31 Darricott Close, Rainworth.
Members considered the application and commented that no response had been received from Rainworth Parish Council in relation to whether they would wish to purchase the parcel of land and that it was hoped that the value of the land was recognised by the Council’s Asset Management Business Unit.
Members suggested that the Council’s Legal Services be requested to consider the disposal of the land with a view to imposing a restrictive covenant on its future use.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the parcel of land be disposed of subject to the imposition of a restrictive covenant; and
(b) full planning permission be approved subject to the conditions contained within the report. |
Former Garage Site Woodlands Winthorpe (18/00630/FUL) Site Visit: 11.35am – 11.45am Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager - Growth & Regeneration, following a site inspection, which sought planning permission for the demolition of existing garages and the development of 1no. 1-bedroomed bungalow.
Members considered the application and agreed that the proposed widening of the access road was unnecessary and should be retained at the existing width.
AGREED (unanimously) that full planning permission be approved subject to the conditions contained within the report and that the access road be retained at the existing width giving delegated authority to officers to seek this amendment, subject to a public consultation on an amended plan not raising any new material planning issues.