Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, Notts NG24 1BY
Contact: Nigel Hill Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest by Members and Officers and as to the Party Whip Minutes: Councillor Mrs R. Holloway declared a Non-Registerable Interest in Agenda Item No. 14 – Payment of Children and Young People Space Contribution to Bilsthorpe Parish Council as a Member of Bilsthorpe Parish Council.
Councillors K. Girling and M. Skinner both declared an Other Registerable Interests in Agenda Item No. 26 – Transfer of Southwell Leisure Centre, as Directors of Active4Today.
Councillor T. Wendels declared an Other Registerable Interest in Agenda Item No. 26 - Transfer of Southwell Leisure Centre, as a District Council appointed Trustee of Southwell Leisure Centre.
Councillor D. Lloyd advised of his reasons for not taking in the meeting during consideration of Agenda Item No. 18 – London Road Car Park, which was taken as the first item of business.
Councillor K. Girling chaired the meeting until after consideration of the London Road Car Park report. |
Declarations of Intention to Record the Meeting Minutes: The Vice-Chairman advised that the proceedings were being audio recorded and live streamed by the Council. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2021 PDF 283 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes from the meeting held on 24 June 2021 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
London Road Car Park PDF 616 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Director - Planning & Growth presented a report concerning a review of the London Road Car Park extension scheme which was requested in response to a petition presented to the Full Council on 7 March 2019. The report referred to four options open to the Council in respect of the scheme. However, when presenting the report the Director – Planning & Growth advised that an approach had been made by the solicitors acting for Datch Properties Limited, who now owned the site, which revised the terms in relation to the first option set out in the report, and a further proposal for a new or revised lease for a 30 year term at £25k per annum which would not require a car park to be built on the green space.
The Committee agreed that this was a significant proposal and therefore further time was necessary to consider the new information which was being reported.
AGREED (unanimously) that in light of the new information which was reported to the Committee, the item be deferred for consideration by the Full Council at their next meeting to be held on 12 October 2021.
Reason for Decision
To enable full consideration of the new information that was reported to the Committee. |
Forward Plan of Policy & Finance Items PDF 260 KB Minutes: Councillor D. Lloyd joined the meeting at this point in the proceedings.
The Committee noted the Forward Plan items to be considered by the Committee over the next 12 months. |
Reconstitution of Working Parties / Task & Finish Groups PDF 227 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Chief Executive which sought to reconvene the Working Parties and Task & Finish Groups established by the Policy & Finance Committee.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the Working Parties/Task & Finish Groups set out in the appendix to the report be reconvened; and
(b) Councillors S. Haynes, J. Kellas and T. Wildgust be appointed as the additional three Conservative Group Members on the Member Development Task & Finish Group; and
(c) Councillor Peacock be appointed as the Policy & Finance Committee representative on the Local Development Framework Task Group.
Reason for Decision
To reconvene the appropriate Working Parties/Task & Finish Groups. |
Street Naming and Numbering Policy PDF 437 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Director - Planning & Growth presented a report which set out a new Street Naming and Numbering Policy for adoption and sought authorisation to formalise the legislation the Council would use in carrying out the function. The main purpose of the proposed policy was that every property in Newark and Sherwood had a unique, clear and consistent address. A copy of the proposed Policy was attached as Appendix 1 to the report.
In updating the Policy, regard had been made to the legislation under which street name and numbering can be carried out, and a review of other council’s street name and numbering guidance, new national guidance and the Council’s existing guidance. The report set out some of the issues of concern in respect of street naming including using the names of deceased or living persons and timescales. Members expressed their disappointment that streets cannot be named after living people, as it could often be a fitting tribute to people who had made significant contribution to the local community.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) a resolution be made to adopt: · Sections 17 and 18 of the Public Health Act 1925 for the naming and alteration of names of streets in respect to naming; and · Sections 74 and 75 of the Town Improvement Clauses Act 1847 is used for the numbering of buildings;
(b) the above resolution be notified to Town/Parish Councils and Parish Meetings and notices placed within the Newark Advertiser and Mansfield Chad in accordance with Paragraph 25, Schedule 14 of the Local Government Act 1972; and
(c) the Street Naming and Numbering Policy, as attached as an appendix to the report, subject to the inclusion of ‘Wong’ as a name suffix in Section 10, be adopted following the undertaking of (b).
Reason for Decision
Adoption of the proposed Street Naming and Numbering policy will provide clear guidance for service users and align with national guidance in relation to Street Naming and Numbering. Undertaking the notification process will formalise the Council’s approach in accordance with legislation.
Target Hardening of Key Locations to Mitigate the Risk of Unauthorised Encampments PDF 451 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Director - Communities & Environment presented a report detailing proposals to mitigate the risk of unauthorised encampments within the District, following a series of sustained encampments by gypsy and traveller groups of several areas of Council owned and managed land. There was a recognised need for gypsy and traveller sites within the district to address the requirements of resident travellers as identified in the Council’s Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment, and the Planning Policy team would continue to work with partners to ensure that suitable sites were available. The purpose of ‘target hardening’ was to assist with efforts to divert non-resident groups travelling through the District to suitable sites.
The report identified 21 at risk sites for which a range of modifications considered to restrict access were detailed, along with projected costs. Most proposed works would not affect general usage or aesthetics of the sites. Where more extensive works were required, these would be shared with the relevant Ward Member and community groups. The Committee noted the ‘designing out’ crime and increasing resilience was emphasised within the planning process.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the approach to preventing unauthorised encampments on at risks sites in Newark & Sherwood, to avoid significant eviction costs and potential disruption to local communities be supported;
(b) funding of £131,010 to undertake the works on the at risk sites be approved (works to be funded from the Community Engagement reserve, leaving a balance of £118,734);
(c) funding of £21,010 from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) to undertake the works on the at risk sites on HRA land be approved (works to be funded HRA annual budget); and
(d) Newark Town Council be approached with a view to funding 50% of the cost of works on the Newbury Road estate.
Reason for Decision
To mitigate the cost and risks associated with unauthorised encampments on at risk sites in Newark & Sherwood. |
Newark Towns Fund Update PDF 504 KB Minutes: The Director - Planning & Growth presented a report which updated the Committee on the Newark Town Deal projects, including the Newark Construction College Centre of Excellence, the IASTI and SiSCLog. The report also advised of the commencement of the demolition of the cattle market from early October.
Support from the Committee was also sought to begin a formal procurement exercise for the creation of the Newark Cycle Town, to include four cycle hubs, bike hire and storage. Members welcomed the report and agreed it would bring in investment and employment to Newark, and aspirational options for young people.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the updates provided be noted;
(b) £200,000 be added to the Capital Programme in relation to the Cycle Town project of the Town Investment Fund programme, funded by the Towns Fund; and
(c) Members support the Newark Cycle Town project, supporting that a full procurement takes place and that the Council’s land-holding at Castle House adjacent to Castle Rail Station, be a location for a cycle hire hub subject to receipt of private match funding of no less than £50,000 in the form of sign-up from local employers.
Reason for Decision
To continue the development the Newark Towns Strategy and Investment Plan.
Enviro Crime - Strengthening our Enforcement Activity PDF 285 KB Minutes: The Director - Communities & Environment presented a report which proposed to increase the Authority’s enforcement capacity through a one-year pilot arrangement with a private sector company targeting low-level environmental crime.
Under the proposals, the Council would effectively authorise WISE (Waste Investigations, Support and Enforcement) to undertake enforcement activity for a range of environmental crimes, largely under the various sections of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. This would cover littering, dog fouling, graffiti, Public Space Protection Orders and fly-tipping. This increased capacity would supplement the work of the Community Protection Officers in their role in responding to incidents and a wide range of community interventions.
The report also detailed positive feedback from neighbouring authorities who had undertaken similar schemes with WISE. The Committee welcomed the proposals and noted that performance data detailing where Fixed Penalty Notices had been issued could be shared Members. The Leisure & Environment Committee recommended adoption of the pilot project at their meeting held on 21 September 2021.
AGREED (unanimously) that a one year Enviro - Crime Enforcement pilot project with WISE be approved.
Reason for Decision
To consider enhancing enforcement capacity to enable delivery of the Council’s objectives, recognising the challenges that have been brought to this objective with responding to the pandemic.
The Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Compact PDF 250 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Health Improvement & Community Relations Manager presented a report which sought adoption of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Compact. The Compact asks public sector partners and the voluntary community sector to commit to a set of shared values and principles which support long-term development of effective partnership working. The Compact, attached at Appendix A to the report, had been borne out of the new relationships forged during the pandemic and was designed to provide a strong foundation for close collaborative working going forward.
AGREED (unanimously) that the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Compact be referred onto Full Council for adoption.
Reason for Decision
To recognise the value of partnership working between the public sector and voluntary community sector in respect of delivering better outcomes for the community.
Proposed Acquisition of Section 106 Housing - Southwell PDF 560 KB Minutes: The Director – Planning & Growth, presented a report proposing the acquisition of two S106 new build affordable rented homes on the Stagfield Group Development at The Rise, Nottingham Road, Southwell. The Council’s housing register showed there was strong demand for affordable units in this locality. The Developer had not succeeded in finding a housing association to take on the properties, and the Council had concluded that the transaction represented value for money.
AGREED (unanimously) that delegated authority be given to the Director - Housing, Health & Wellbeing to offer the value detailed in the exempt Appendix for the two affordable housing units at The Rise, Nottingham Road, Southwell.
Reason for Decision
To consider the acquisition of the S106 affordable housing at Nottingham Road Southwell to enable the Council to intervene in the market where appropriate and necessary to ensure the delivery of on-site affordable housing in the district. |
Payment of Children and Young People Space Contribution to Bilsthorpe Parish Council PDF 256 KB Minutes: The Director - Planning & Growth, presented a report which sought approval to forward fund the refurbishment of the children’s play park and park at Maid Marion Way, Bilsthorpe from funding secured under a Section 106 agreement linked to the Oldbridge Way development in order to enable the Parish Council to progress the proposed works. The Parish Council had a scheme prepared for works to commence once funding had been secured. The advance payment could be made from Council reserves and the equivalent value repaid into reserves on receipt of the contribution from the developer as per the S106 agreement.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the base sum of £111,271.20 plus indexation be transferred to Bilsthorpe Parish Council under a side legal agreement and any uplift secured through indexation also be transferred when received by the Council; and
(b) a capital budget be created for £111,271.20, funded by borrowing until such time that the section 106 contribution is received.
Reason for Decision
To enable Bilsthorpe Parish Council to progress with the refurbishment of the children’s play area and park at Maid Marion Way, Bilsthorpe with its appointed project team and contractor.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Business Manager - Financial Services presented a report which compared the Revised Budgets with the Projected Outturn forecast for the period ending 31 March 2022. The forecast was based on four months performance information on the Council’s revenue and capital budgets including the General Fund Revenue, HRA and Capital Programme. The accounts showed a projected favourable variance against the revised budget of £0.163m on service budgets, with an overall favourable variance of £0.148m. Appendix A to the report detailed the variances in service areas and other budgets.
The report also summarised the position for the Capital Programme up to the end of July 2021. Additions and amendments to the Programme were detailed in Appendix B to the report.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the General Fund projected favourable outturn variance of £0.148m be noted;
(b) the Housing Revenue Account projected favourable outturn variance of £0.778m be noted;
(c) the variations to the Capital Programme at Appendix C be approved; and
(d) the Capital Programme revised budget and financing of £54.765m be approved.
Reason for Decision
To update Members with the forecast outturn position for the 2021/22 financial year. |
Asset Data Software Procurement PDF 316 KB Minutes: The Business Manager – Housing Maintenance & Asset Management presented a report which sought approval to replace Keystone, with a new Asset Management & Compliance system for the Housing, Health & Wellbeing directorate. This replacement would enable the Council to maintain a robust system for the management of property data in order to ensure the safety of tenants in their homes, and enable effective asset management.
The report detailed the issues ad risks with the existing software, set out the options for replacement, and detailed the selection process for the proposed new supplier. After extensive consideration, it was proposed that Apex was the most suitable solution.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) Members approve the preferred provider from the framework, Apex, to deliver a new asset management database;
(b) the total one off expenditure of Apex of £160,300 funded from the HRA Development and ICT Reserve be approved; and
(c) the additional annual revenue costs of Apex of £17,889 per year for all modules, funded by HRA efficiency savings be approved and added into future year budgets.
Reason for Decision
To improve the performance of the Compliance & Safety Team and ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our tenants and employees remain paramount. |
Community Plan - Activity Focus PDF 333 KB Minutes: The Director - Customer Services & Organisational Development presented a report setting out the work that remained on-going or outstanding within the Councils Community Plan for April 2020 to March 2023. It was noted that there would continue to be a demand on the Council to support the Covid response and recovery which would continue to impact on the Council’s activities.
AGREED (unanimously)that the community activities which remain to be undertaken be noted.
Reason for Decision
To ensure Members are aware of the focus of activities which will be undertaken for the next 18 months.
Parish and Town Council Initiative Fund 2020/21 - Cleaner, Safer, Greener - Annual Report PDF 254 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report of Director – Housing , Health & Wellbeing which gave an overview of the Parish and Town Council Initiative Fund awards for the 2020/2021 Greener’ themed rounds. A summary of the awards made to parish councils were detailed in the appendix to the report.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the report and Appendix A be noted; and
(b) the Parish and Town Council Initiative Fund 2021/2022 Annual Review be reported to Members during 2022.
Reason for Decision
To enable the Council to monitor the value and impact of the Parish and Town Council Initiative Fund and the development and contribution to the Council’s Community Plan 2020 – 2023.
Minutes: The Committee noted the decision to set up a budget in the Capital Programme for £43,479.63, financed by the Community and Children’s Play Space contributions in the Section 106 Agreement reference AG1034, and to transfer to Edwinstowe Parish Council.
AGREED (unanimously) that the urgency item be noted.
Reason for Decision
To enable a payment to be made to Edwinstowe Parish Council in a timely manner in line with other funding partners to move the projects forward. |
Minutes: The Committee noted the decision to set up a budget in the Capital Programme for £24,755.63, financed by the Integrated Transport Contribution in Section 106 Agreement reference AG863, and transfer to the Friends of Trent Vale Trail
AGREED (unanimously) that the urgency item be noted.
Reason for Decision
To enable a payment to be made to Friends of Trent Vale Trail in a timely manner in line with other funding partners to avoid any unnecessary delays and to move the project forward.
Urgency Item - Newark Lorry Park Shower Block PDF 304 KB Minutes: The Committee noted the decision to install turnstiles to the shower block at Newark Lorry Park at a capital cost of £32,000 for installation and £3,500 ongoing revenue cost for maintenance.
AGREED (unanimously) that the urgency item be noted.
Reason for Decision
To ensure secure access to the shower block facilities and improve the facility opening times. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public To consider resolving that, under section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. Minutes: AGREED (unanimously) that, under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. |
Proposed Acquisition of Section 106 Housing - Southwell - Exempt Appendix Minutes: The Committee considered the exempt appendix in relation to the two affordable housing units at The Rise, Nottingham Road, Southwell.
(Summary provided in accordance with Section 100C(2) of the Local Government Act 1972). |
Housing, Health & Wellbeing Business Unit Restructure Minutes: The Committee considered the exempt report in relation to the Housing, Health & Wellbeing Business Unit Restructure.
(Summary provided in accordance with Section 100C(2) of the Local Government Act 1972). |
Transfer of Southwell Leisure Centre Minutes: The Committee considered the exempt report in relation to the transfer of Southwell Leisure Centre.
(Summary provided in accordance with Section 100C(2) of the Local Government Act 1972).