65 Housing Services Compliance Report PDF 672 KB
AGREED that Cabinet:
a) note the compliance performance for the end of the financial year, the items for action and changes for next financial years reporting; and
b) Identify any areas of concern or for further investigation or detail.
The Portfolio Holder - Housing presented the Housing Services Compliance report to provide an update on the position at the end of Q2 2023/24 with regard to compliance assurance overview and actions arising. The Business Manager - Housing Maintenance & Asset Management was in attendance and explained the work undertaken to gain access to properties to ensure compliance. The Cabinet noted the numbers of non-compliance cases and heard that with regard to oil servicing it was now only one property which was non-compliant and an appointment for a service had been made. The delay in the grant of injunctions was noted and Members heard that the team were seeking to work 6 months ahead to ensure all services could be undertaken within the required timescales to ensure compliance.
AGREED that Cabinet:
(a) note the compliance performance for the end of the financial year, the items for action and changes for next financial years reporting; and
(b) identify any areas of concern or for further investigation or detail.
Reasons for Decision:
To enable the Cabinet to monitor performance and compliance relating to the Council’s legal and regulatory landlord responsibilities for 27 building safety measures including fire protection, gas, asbestos, electrical and water.
Options Considered:
Not applicable.