Issue - meetings

CCTV Review

Meeting: 19/12/2023 - Cabinet (Item 77)

77 CCTV System Review (Key Decision) pdf icon PDF 1 MB


AGREED that Cabinet approve:


a)       the CCTV replacement scheme as set out in Appendix 1 to the report;


b)       the recommendation for all CCTV cameras moving forward to become in the full ownership of NSDC as detailed in paragraph 2.2 of the report;


c)        the continuation of NSDC’s membership in the CCTV partnership;


d)       the creation of a CCTV Project to undertake a detailed feasibility exercise to provide a full business case on the possibility of bringing CCTV in house; and


e)       the allocation and draw down of £8,200 from the Capital Feasibilities Reserve to be allocated to the CCTV Revenue Cost Centre.


The Portfolio Holder for Public Protection & Community Relations and Business Manager – Public Protection presented a report which sought approval of the recommendations proposed following the Member review of the Council’s CCTV systems.  The report provided a detailed picture of what CCTV systems the Council held and made recommendations based on the findings of the ASB Policy & Performance Improvement working group which were first presented to the Cabinet on 21 February 2023.


AGREED      (unanimously) that Cabinet approve:


a)            the CCTV replacement scheme as set out in Appendix 1 to the report;


b)            the recommendation for all CCTV cameras moving forward to become in the full ownership of NSDC as detailed in paragraph 2.2 of the report;


c)             the continuation of NSDC’s membership in the CCTV partnership;


d)            the creation of a CCTV Project to undertake a detailed feasibility exercise to provide a full business case on the possibility of bringing CCTV in house; and


e)            the allocation and draw down of £8,200 from the Capital Feasibilities Reserve to be allocated to the CCTV Revenue Cost Centre.


Reasons for Decision:

To enhance the Council’s management of their CCTV systems in addition to improving and updating our coverage across the district in line with the Community Plan objective of maximise the use and effectiveness of CCTV to deter crime and bring offenders to justice.


Options Considered:

To continue with the current CCTV partnership accepting that the Council will continue to share Control Room resources with partners and the service level will remain as now.


To delay the replacement programme until cameras fail beyond economic repair.