Issue - meetings

Southwell Leisure Centre Works

Meeting: 31/10/2023 - Cabinet (Item 55)

55 Southwell Leisure Centre Works (Key Decision) pdf icon PDF 656 KB


That Cabinet:


(a)     approves an additional transfer of £161,800 funded from the Change Management Reserve, giving a total Capital budget of £740,000 to carry out the essential works to the dry side facility as set out in this report;

(b)     note that whilst every effort will be made to phase the works to keep the Leisure Centre operational at all times, there is a possibility that the Leisure Centre may have to close for a period of time in order for the works to be carried out safely, effectively and efficiently; and

(c)     note that in the event of closure, Active4Today will endeavour to accommodate customers at the Newark and Dukeries facilities, and that the Leisure Centre members affected will have their direct debits reduced to a nil payment where appropriate.


The Director – Resources, Section 151 Officer and Deputy Chief Executive and Business Manager – Corporate Property presented a report which advised the Cabinet of the condition of Southwell Leisure Centre and the essential works that were required to the dry side and wet side facilities, and also updated the Cabinet on the decision taken to close the main pool at the centre from 29 October 2023 to 1 December 2023 in order to carry out further investigatory works.


The report summarised the works required under fire safety and general repairs following a full feasibility of a programme of works undertaken by Lindum, and in respect of the pool, Asher Swimpool Centre Limited had been instructed to undertake a condition survey, the full details of which were contained in an exempt appendix.


The costs for the fire safety and general repairs were set out, but it was noted that in relation to the larger programme of works there was a potential for temporary closure of the centre which would result in a loss of net income. It was also noted that there were likely to be significant costs resulting from the pool survey, details of which would be brought to the next meeting of the Cabinet.


AGREED      (unanimously) that Cabinet:


a)             approves an additional transfer of £161,800 funded from the Change Management Reserve, giving a total Capital budget of £740,000 to carry out the essential works to the dry side facility as set out in this report;


b)             note that whilst every effort will be made to phase the works to keep the Leisure Centre operational at all times, there is a possibility that the Leisure Centre may have to close for a period of time in order for the works to be carried out safely, effectively and efficiently; and


c)             note that in the event of closure, Active4Today will endeavour to accommodate customers at the Newark and Dukeries facilities, and that the Leisure Centre members affected will have their direct debits reduced to a nil payment where appropriate.


Reasons for Decision

To mitigate the risk of failure of the main pool and carry out the essential fire safety and general repair works to the building.


Options Considered

An alternative option would be to do nothing. This is not a feasible option as there are significant compliance and maintenance works that need to be carried out. In addition, the condition of the main pool at the centre poses a risk of significant water leakage and impact on wider operations to the site.


(Having declared an interest, Councillor K Melton did not vote on this item).