Issue - meetings

Additional Resources - Tenancy and Estates

Meeting: 19/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 40)

40 Housing Services Resources pdf icon PDF 625 KB


That Cabinet approve:


a)        the use of £45,115 from the Housing Revenue Account Service Improvement Reserve to cover the costs of the additional posts for 2023-24; and


b)       that the budget for the 5 FTE tenancy officers is included in the baseline budget from 2024 onwards.


The Portfolio Holder Housing presented a report which set out the current challenges in the Housing Services Business Unit and sought Cabinet approval to increase staffing resources to effectively deliver the tenancy & estate management services.


The report detailed the roles and workloads of the tenancy officers and the changes in the sector which had resulted in the additional workloads which were now being seen. It was considered that the additional resources sought would relieve pressure on existing staff, but also be available to be redirected as priorities and/or areas change or require a more intensive housing management approach. It was notes that a review of resources would be undertaken annually.


AGREED      (unanimously) that Cabinet approve:


a)            the use of £45,115 from the Housing Revenue Account Service Improvement Reserve to cover the costs of the additional posts for 2023-24; and


b)            the budget for the 5 FTE tenancy officers is included in the baseline budget from  2024 onwards.


Reason for Decision

To ensure we continue to deliver excellent housing services across the district in line with best practice, regulatory compliance and keeping tenants at the heart of our services.


The increase in staffing aligns with our community plan to “create vibrant and self-sufficient local communities where residents look out for each other and actively contribute to their local area; reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and increase feelings of safety in our communities; and improve the health and wellbeing of local residents”.


Options Considered

The consideration for temporary resource was discounted due to the continued rise of complex case management, the increase in homelessness duty discharge into our stock and the difficulty accessing support services within the district.