36 Update on Kerbside Glass Recycling Scheme PDF 603 KB
That Cabinet:
a) note the current status of the project and note the challenges which may impact the project launch date;
b) note that there is currently an additional forecast budget requirement of £30k from 2024/25;
c) note that the garden recycling subscription fee is increased from £35 to £37 from 2024/25, in line with the rationale set out in paragraphs 2.6.8 and 2.6.10 of the report;
d) note that the one-off funding of circa £8k for glass recycling boxes be provided to Recycling Ollerton and Boughton (ROB);
e) approve the transition of apprentice mechanic to a permanent FTE at NS9; and
f) further updates be provided where required.
The Director – Communities & Environment presented a report which set out the current status and risks of the glass recycling project. An update on the project was set out in section 2 of the report. This provided updates on the infrastructure and capital works required; the vehicle and depot capacity; the waste transfer station; some of the arrangements for the service; working with Recycling Ollerton & Boughton; procurement; and resources, both staffing and financial.
In the report summary it was advised that the project continued to progress across the various areas and was still on schedule to go live in 2023/24, however there were slight risks around the transfer station. In addition, the anticipated shortfall in the budgets from 2024 onwards, could be covered if a planed increase in the garden recycling fee was implemented.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet:
a) note the current status of the project and note the challenges which may impact the project launch date;
b) note that there is currently an additional forecast budget requirement of £30k from 2024/25;
c) note that the garden recycling subscription fee is increased from £35 to £37 from 2024/25, in line with the rationale set out in paragraphs 2.6.8 and 2.6.10 of the report;
d) note that the one-off funding of circa £8k for glass recycling boxes be provided to Recycling Ollerton and Boughton (ROB);
e) approve the transition of apprentice mechanic to a permanent FTE at NS9; and
f) further updates be provided where required.
Reason for Decision
To introduce a kerbside glass collection service in line with resident feedback, the aspirations within the Community Plan and within the budget previously agreed by the Council.
Options Considered
As set out, the report provides an update on an existing Council decision to introduce a kerbside glass collection service in Newark and Sherwood. As such, no alternatives have been put forward at this stage.