35 Plans to Decarbonise the Council's Estate (Key Decision) PDF 556 KB
That Cabinet approve a budget of £150,780 from the Change Management Reserve to fund the work identified in the report.
The Business Manager – Corporate Property presented a report which provided the Cabinet with an update on plans to appoint consultants to develop a decarbonisation plan for the Council’s buildings in line with the Council’s Community Plan objectives and stated plan to be net carbon neutral by 2035.
It was noted that within the Council’s carbon footprint there were two principal sources of emissions, the fleet and Council buildings. Work was underway to understand how the Council’s depot at Brunel Drive may need to be developed to support low emission vehicles and five buildings had been identified for photovoltaic panels to be fitted. However, a number of other sites, as listed in the report, had been approved for the decarbonisation plan and the Council had approached the market to identify consultants to carry out feasibility work.
Following a tender exercise, a preferred partner had been selected with a value of £150,780. Surveys would commence following approval of the budget, with a completion date in late Autumn 2023. Costings for the required works would also be produced for future funding requests. It was noted that government funding rounds were made available, but it was necessary to have ready made schemes to submit in order to be successful.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet approve a budget of £150,780 from the Change Management Reserve to fund the work identified in the report.
Reasons for Decision
To enable a programme of decarbonisation activities in line with the Council’s Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan for a carbon net neutral target date of 2035.
Options Considered
The Council has a target of being net carbon neutral, excluding housing, by 2035. The two main sources of carbon within the Council’s footprint are its fleet and its buildings. Doing nothing is therefore not deemed a viable alternative to deliver carbon savings within the Council’s estate, whilst the expertise and capacity to deliver this work in-house is not currently available.