Issue - meetings

Budget Performance - Quarter 1- 2023/24

Meeting: 12/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 29)

29 Budget Performance - Quarter 1- 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 611 KB

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AGREED that Cabinet:


a)      note the General Fund projected unfavourable outturn variance of £0.130m;


b)      note the Housing Revenue Account projected unfavourable outturn variance of £0.131m to the Major Repairs Reserve;


c)      approve the variations to the Capital Programme at Appendix C;


d)      approve the Capital Programme revised budget and financing of £109.711m; and


e)      note the Prudential indicators at Appendix F.


The Leader and Portfolio Holder - Strategy, Performance & Finance presented the Projected General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Revenue and Capital Outturn Report to 31 March 2024 as at 30 June 2023. The report forecast the outturn position for the 2023/24 financial year for the Council’s General Fund and Housing Revenue Account revenue and capital budgets and detailed performance against the approved estimates of revenue expenditure and income; report on major variances from planned budget performance; and report on variations to the Capital Programme for approval; all in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


The Business Manager- Financial Services confirmed that the 5% variances withn the salary budgets due to staffing vacancies were from across all service areas within the Council did not reflect vacancies from any specific post of business units.


AGREED      (unanimously) that Cabinet:


a)            note the General Fund projected unfavourable outturn variance of £0.130m;


b)            note the Housing Revenue Account projected unfavourable outturn variance of £0.131m to the Major Repairs Reserve;


c)             approve the variations to the Capital Programme at Appendix C to the report;


d)            approve the Capital Programme revised budget and financing of £109.711m; and


e)            note the Prudential indicators at Appendix F to the report.