Issue - meetings

Cyber Security Strategy

Meeting: 17/01/2023 - Cabinet (Item 69)

69 Cyber Security Strategy pdf icon PDF 673 KB


AGREED that the adoption and wider communication of the Cyber Security Strategy be approved.


The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Organisational Development & Governance presented a report which set out the proposed Cyber Security Strategy for adoption by the Council. Implementation of the Strategy would ensure that the Council delivered a vision and plan to manage cyber security threats whilst reducing risk, protecting residents and stakeholder data from misuse and cyber threats. It was noted that the Cyber Security Implementation Plan was not a public facing document given its sensitive content and was therefore attached as an exempt appendix to the report. The Cabinet welcomed the proposed strategy and highlighted the importance of cyber security.


AGREED      (unanimously) that the adoption and wider communication of the Cyber Security Strategy be approved.


Reasons for Decision


To raise awareness of the Cyber Security agenda and obtain buy-in to the implementation plan, providing assurance to our residents, businesses, and external stakeholders.


Options Considered


Not to adopt a cyber security strategy, but this would be contrary to best practice.