Issue - meetings

Playing Pitch Strategy

Meeting: 20/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 100)

100 Newark & Sherwood's Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy 2023-2033 (Key Decision) pdf icon PDF 754 KB

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AGREED that Cabinet approve the Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy, as at Appendix A to the report.


The Business Manager – Regeneration & Housing Strategy presented a report which sought approval for the Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy for 2023 to 2033. In December 2022, the Council commissioned Knight, Kavanagh & Page Ltd to develop the strategy and action plan for the District. The strategy supported the wider objectives within the Community Plan and had been developed using Sport England’s ‘Playing Pitch Strategy Guidance’ and ‘Assessing Needs and Opportunities Guide’. The strategy identified priority recommendations across each sport as set out in the report. It was noted that any future decisions in terms of future delivery of 3G pitches would be subject to a decision of the Cabinet.


AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet approve the Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy, as at Appendix Ato the report.


Reasons for Decision:

The adoption of this strategy supports delivery across a wide range of community plan objectives, provides an evidence base for planning policy and future funding, and sets out priorities for investment to ensure that playing pitches and outdoor sports meet the needs of the growing population of Newark and Sherwood.


In particular, the adoption of the strategy supports the following Community Plan objectives:

Objective 1: Improve health and wellbeing;

Objective 5: Protect and enhance the district’s natural environment and green spaces; and

Objective 7: Celebrate and invigorate community spirit, pride of place and a sense of belonging.


Options Considered:

The alternative option is to not adopt a Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sport Strategy.


Neither the strategy itself, nor direct investment in playing pitches/ outdoor sports facilities, are a statutory responsibility of the District Council. However, as articulated in section 1.2 and 1.3 of the report, the evidence to support the District Council contributing to the delivery of facilities through its role as Local Planning Authority and in its role supporting healthy, active and sustainable communities, is strong.