21 Enviro-crime Enforcement (Key Decision) PDF 263 KB
1. That approval be given in principle to commence a procurement exercise for an outsourced environmental enforcement initiative, subject to a further report at the end of the one year pilot; and
2. That the current pilot project be extended for a further three months to allow the completion of a procurement exercise if necessary.
The Portfolio Holder for Cleaner, Safer, Greener presented a report concerning the future provision of enviro-crime enforcement and sought approval to commence a procurement exercise as well as extending the current pilot with Waste Investigations, Support and Enforcement (WISE).
The report provided a summary of the pilot to date and the enforcement actions taken since the first seven months of the contract. It was noted that the current agreement with WISE allowed the Council to receive a percentage return on the income from Fixed Penalty Notices issued. Based on current activity, the estimate was that the Council would receive approximately £10,000 over the pilot period and this surplus would be reinvested in cleaner, safer, greener activities.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) approval be given in principle to commence a procurement exercise for an outsourced environmental enforcement initiative, subject to a further report at the end of the one year pilot; and
(b) the current pilot project be extended for a further three months to allow the completion of a procurement exercise if necessary.
Reasons for Decision
The recommendations will allow for the enviro-crime pilot enforcement to continue supporting the Council’s cleaner safer greener agenda.
Options Considered
Given the success of the scheme and in order to continue with the level of enforcement, to formalise a contract which would build upon lessons learnt from the pilot.