4 Disposal of Land at The Green, Rolleston to Arkwood Developments Ltd. (Key Decision) PDF 307 KB
1. That the disposal of the land at Rolleston to Arkwood Developments Ltd for the sum indicated in the exempt appendix be approved;
2. That he site be developed jointly by the HRA and Arkwood appointing the same development contractor to ensure development cost savings;
3. That approval be given to terminate the lease to the Parish Council for the land used as car parking; and
4. That the demolition of the 2 existing bungalows to facilitate the development of 5 HRA dwellings and decanting the existing tenant be approved.
The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategy, Performance & Finance presented a report which sought disposal of land at The Green, Rolleston to Arkwood Developments Ltd. This would enable the delivery of 3 market sale residential units adjacent to a Housing Revenue Account (HRA) development of 5 affordable units.
A joint development of the site by the HRA and Arkwood was proposed to deliver market sale properties and HRA affordable rental properties which would subsidise the HRA development costs of the site against current average build costs. It was reported that the Local Ward Member supported the proposed development and no major objections had been raised by Rolleston Parish Council.
Details of a second offer from a private developer for the land were contained in the exempt appendix to the report. This offer did not present the opportunity for any additional cost savings.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the disposal of the land at Rolleston to Arkwood Developments Ltd for the sum indicated in the exempt appendix be approved;
(b) the site be developed jointly by the HRA and Arkwood appointing the same development contractor to ensure development cost savings;
(c) approval be given to terminate the lease to the Parish Council for the land used as car parking; and
(d) the demolition of the 2 existing bungalows to facilitate the development of 5 HRA dwellings and decanting the existing tenant be approved.
Reasons for Decision
Disposal of the land to Arkwood enables delivery of three market sales residential units adjacent to a HRA development of five affordable units.
Joint development of the site to deliver market sale properties and HRA affordable rental properties would subsidise the HRA development costs of the site against current average build costs.
Options Considered
A second offer had been received for the land from a private developer but it did not present the opportunity for any additional cost savings from a joint development and as such has not been accepted by the Council.
(Having declared interests, Councillor T Wendels, Deborah Johnson and Sanjiv Kohli withdrew from the meeting during its consideration).
Actions: ME