Issue - meetings

Proposed Acquisition of Section 106 Housing - Southwell

Meeting: 23/09/2021 - Policy & Finance Committee (Item 259)

259 Proposed Acquisition of Section 106 Housing - Southwell pdf icon PDF 560 KB


The Director – Planning & Growth, presented a report proposing the acquisition of two S106 new build affordable rented homes on the Stagfield Group Development at The Rise, Nottingham Road, Southwell. The Council’s housing register showed there was strong demand for affordable units in this locality.  The Developer had not succeeded in finding a housing association to take on the properties, and the Council had concluded that the transaction represented value for money. 


AGREED      (unanimously) that delegated authority be given to the Director - Housing, Health & Wellbeing to offer the value detailed in the exempt Appendix for the two affordable housing units at The Rise, Nottingham Road, Southwell.


Reason for Decision


To consider the acquisition of the S106 affordable housing at Nottingham Road Southwell to enable the Council to intervene in the market where appropriate and necessary to ensure the delivery of on-site affordable housing in the district.