Issue - meetings

Transfer of Section 106 Open Space- Ollerton Town FC

Meeting: 24/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 187)

187 Transfer of Section 106 Open Space - Off Site Sports Contribution to Ollerton Town Football Club pdf icon PDF 541 KB


That Cabinet approve:


a)       the Section 106 contributions for open space off site sports held by the District Council be transferred to Ollerton Town Football Club for improvements at the Walesby Lane Sports Ground in Ollerton; and


b)       the Council’s Capital Programme for 2024/25 is increased by £59,696.76 financed by the Section 106 receipt reference AG924 held for open space off site sports improvements in Ollerton. 


The Business Manager – Regeneration & Strategic Housing presented a report which sought Cabinet approval to transfer Section 106 contributions held by the District Council for open space off site sports to Ollerton Town Football Club for improvements at the Walesby Lane Sports Ground in Ollerton.


AGREED      (unanimously) that Cabinet approve:


a)            the Section 106 contributions for open space off site sports held by the District Council be transferred to Ollerton Town FC for improvements at the Walesby Lane Sports Ground in Ollerton; and


b)            the Council’s Capital Programme for 2024/25 is increased by £59,696.76 financed by the Section 106 receipt reference AG924 held for open space off site sports improvements in Ollerton. 


Reasons for Decision:

To enable Ollerton Town Football Club to deliver improvements to its sports ground in Ollerton which will deliver improved sporting, health and community benefits and outcomes for local residents.


Options Considered:

The Section 106 receipt held under this agreement must be spent on open space off site sports in Ollerton, therefore it is appropriate that the District Council transfers the receipt held to Ollerton Town Football Club in order that the Club, as long term leaseholder and operator of site, can deliver much needed improvements to the sports ground for the benefit of local community groups which access and use the site.


The District Council is working closely with the Ollerton Town Football Club to improve the facilities at its ground in order to grow its capacity to accommodate increased active participation in sport and leisure activities at one of the communities most valuable assets and it is appropriate therefore to support  the Club to deliver improvements at the site as part of a wider ambition to regenerate the site and protect it for future generations.


The Walesby Lane site was determined as the most appropriate site to invest in based on the recent growth in the numbers of teams based at the site particularly women and girls participation and the scope the ground offers for further expansion of activity to meet the growing demand for football locally.  The only other local sports club with its own outdoor facility has suitable provision to meet local demand.