181 Newark & Sherwood Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022 - 2026 - Year 2 Outturn Report PDF 536 KB
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That Cabinet note the work delivered to date in line with the Health & Wellbeing Strategy for 2022 to 2026.
The Senior Health Improvement Officer presented a report which gave a mid-point update on the Health & Wellbeing Strategy for 2022 to 2026. The Strategy helped the Council deliver against objective one in the Community Plan to ‘Improve Health & Wellbeing’ and aligned to the County Council’s joint strategy. Appendix A to the report provided a detailed midterm update on the strategy at year two.
The Cabinet welcomed the update and the positive work the Council were doing in respect of health and wellbeing. It was suggested that the update could include the family hub in Ollerton and the work the Council does in respect of biodiversity such as the provision of play parks and outdoor fitness equipment. One matter which remained of concern was access to the provision of emergency care.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet note the work delivered to date in line with the Health & Wellbeing Strategy for 2022 to 2026.
Reasons for Decision:
To share the progress made against the Health & Wellbeing Strategy for 2023-24.
Options Considered:
None, the Council had local priorities in respect of health and wellbeing.