9 Active4Today Performance Outturn 2023/24 PDF 561 KB
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AGREED that the Executive Shareholder Committee note the performance of Active4Today up to period 04 2024-25.
The Business Manager Regeneration & Housing Strategy, was in attendance to present the performance report for Active4Today for the period 1 April – 31 July 2024. The report also summarised income and expenditure, usage performance and compliance.
The Cabinet welcomed the report and the positive financial position in relation to the management fee, which was reduced as a result of reduced utilities costs. In response to a query, the Managing Director- Active4Today explained that there were a number of roles within Active4Today that would often be undertaken by students and as such turnover would tend to correspond to the academic calendar.
Members considered digital poverty and the impact on residents who, as a consequence, may not be able to sign up for or access leisure facilities or offers on line. The Business Manager - Regeneration & Housing Strategy, explained that support either on the phone or in person, would always be provided to anyone who needed assistance or help to access services online and no-one would be excluded due to digital poverty.
AGREED (unanimously) that the Executive Shareholder Committee note the performance of Active4Today up to period 04 2024-25.
Reasons for Decision
To ensure that the shareholder has assurance and oversight of the Company’s
performance ensuring that the Company continues to deliver the outcomes required
by the Council as aligned to the Councils Community Plan.
Options Considered