Issue - meetings

Housing Compliance Assurance Report Quarter 1 2024/25

Meeting: 10/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 176)

176 Housing Compliance Assurance Report Quarter 1 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 702 KB


That Cabinet note:


a)       the exceptions to performance of the housing service compliance functions; and


b)       the new format for performance for Quarter 1 2024.25 onwards.


The Housing Maintenance and Asset Management was in attendance to present the position at the end of Quarter 1 – 2024/5 20 June which set out the Council’s performance against the Council’s legal and regulatory landlord responsibilities for a range of building safety measures including fire protection, gas, asbestos, electrical and water as well as summarising details of the Council’s housing stock. Damp and mould ratings and response levels were also detailed. The new format of reporting had been recommended by the Council’s External Auditors. The Homes Standard had been replaced with the Safety and Quality Standard from 1 April 2024.


Gas servicing was now 98.5% compliant with 39 now outstanding, and two homes where the oil had not been serviced reduced from 8 last quarter. There were 27 properties without a EICR electrical certification of less than five years old, which was an improvement on last quarter performance of 39. There were two cases of hoist and stairlift inspection outstanding but both had appointments booked.


AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet note:


a)        the exceptions to performance of the housing service compliance functions; and


b)       the new format for performance for Quarter 1 2024.25 onwards.


Reasons for Decision:

To enable the Cabinet to monitor performance and compliance relating to the Council’s legal and regulatory landlord responsibilities for 27 building safety measures including fire protection, gas, asbestos, electrical and water.


Options considered:

Not applicable.