175 Community Plan Performance for Quarter 1 2024/25 PDF 431 KB
Additional documents:
That Cabinet:
a) review the Community Plan Performance Report attached as Appendix 1;
b) review the compliance report attached as Appendix 2; and
c) consider the Council’s performance against its objectives highlighting any areas of high performance and identifying areas for improvement.
The Transformation and Service Improvement Manager was in attendance to present the Community Plan Performance for Quarter 1 2024/25. The report and accompanying presentation highlighted customer feedback, various projects undertaken by Business Units across the Council, responsive repairs telephone calls, levels of occupation within the Newark Beacon site, and garden waste collection.
The Cabinet noted that a report to their next meeting would include more detail on the Council’s oral health project and work to support oral health and access to dental care. Members also noted recent anti-social behaviour in the Bridge Ward which Officers and Partners were working to address. The Portfolio Holder for Housing explained that complaints within housing were viewed as positive by the Housing Ombudsman as it provided assurance that Tenants had the confidence to complain safely and that their concerns would be addressed. The Portfolio Holder for Biodiversity and Environmental Services highlighted work undertaken by Business Units across the Council in relation to the environment and biodiversity.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet:
review the Community Plan Performance Report
attached as Appendix 1;
b) review the compliance report attached as Appendix 2; and
c) consider the Council’s performance against its objectives highlighting any areas of high performance and identifying areas for improvement.
Reasons for Decision:
Performance management is used to drive improvement by analysing data and progress against key activities as well as building a picture of the context of performance using district statistics, customer feedback and workforce information.
Options considered:
Not applicable.