Decision Maker: Leader - Portfolio Holder Strategy, Performance & Finance
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To secure Portfolio Holder approval to use Section 106 contributions held by the District Council for building improvements at Clipstone Village Hall, Church Road, Clipstone.
That part of a Section 106 contribution of £77,156.61 secured through agreement AG939 for community facilities for the benefit of and use of the people of Clipstone is de-committed from the Clipstone Regeneration Project and approved for payment to Clipstone Parish Councill for priority improvements at the village hall to ensure the building remains ‘fit for purpose’, health and safety compliant and sustainable as a valuable community asset.
That the Council’s Capital Programme is increased by £77,156.61, financed by Section 106 Agreement AG939 Community Facilities Contribution.
To enable ClipstTo enable Clipstone Parish Council to deliver improvements at Clipstone Village Hall for the benefit of the local Parish Council to deliver improvements at Clipstone Village Hall for the benefit of the local community.
The Section 106 receipts held under this agreement have to be spent on communal facilities in Clipstone in accordance with the S106 Agreement AG939. Furthermore, the contribution must be expended not later than 20th January 2025.
Although this receipt was previously allocated to the former Clipstone Colliery site sports regeneration project as agreed by Cabinet at its 4th June 2024 as part of the wider Levelling Up project, it cannot be expended within the necessary timeframe determined by the Section 106 agreement and therefore, subject to approval, should be re-allocated to the Parish Council to deliver improvements that are deemed appropriate at the village hall.
Accordingly, it is proposed that the District Council transfers the contribution to Clipstone Parish Council as owner of the village hall in order that the proposed works can be delivered in a timely manner in accordance with the Section 106 agreement.
The Clipstone Colliery project remains an important part of the Levelling Up Fund 3 proposals, an update on which will be brought before a future Cabinet subject to Government announcements and project updates. This will include funding and any gaps and risks associated with delivery.
Publication date: 18/10/2024
Date of decision: 18/10/2024
Effective from: 24/10/2024
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