Decision details

Newark Lorry Park - Purchase and Installation of a New Mobile Female / Unisex Shower Block

Decision Maker: Leader - Portfolio Holder Strategy, Performance & Finance

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To seek Portfolio Holder approval to increase the original Capital Scheme from £60,000 to £105,150 in order to provide a larger shower block than first proposed.


That the scheme in the Capital Programme be increased by £45,150 to be financed by an increased grant allocation of £17,851 and £20,000 from repairs and renewals (R&R) to give a total of £105,150.

Reasons for the decision:

To provide an improved offer of additional individual showers to multi genders at Newark Lorry Park, increasing our offer currently provided to HGV drivers using the facility.

Alternative options considered:

Parking Services initially looked at providing 4 additional unisex showers, following approval of match funding from the National Highway HGV facilities Grant Funding Scheme.


Following further discussions with National Highways they agreed to match fund bigger and better facilities if this improved the current offer of drivers facilities on Newark Lorry Park. The Council pride themselves on providing the very best facilities for our loyal HGV drivers. This has been hugely important and one of the reasons the Lorry Park has excelled in providing essential income for the authority. The Director – Resources was supportive of the proposal given the match funding support from National Highways.


Parking Services then visited the main manufacturer of these bespoke mobile facilities to see what facilities were available. A shower block providing 8 individual shower rooms and 3 additional toilet facilities was considered the best option to deliver better facilities for all genders at Newark Lorry Park.

Publication date: 22/11/2023

Date of decision: 22/11/2023

Effective from: 28/11/2023

Accompanying Documents: