Decision details

The conversion of two properties in Southwell

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder - Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To seek approval to convert two semi-detached houses (2 x 3 bedroom) into a six-bedroom house with an additional one-bedroom flat.



AGREED that the Portfolio Holder for Housing:


1.       Approves the conversion of these properties and that £140,000 be included in the current HRA Investment Programme in 2025/26, financed from the MRR;


2.       To note the rent remodelling associated with the conversion; and

3.       To note the direct offer of the six-bedroom property to a family of nine to alleviate current overcrowding.


Reasons for the decision:

The recommendations enable the Council, as a responsible landlord to alleviate the acute overcrowding of this family, whilst also adding a large unit of accommodation to our stock.


Alternative options considered:

A move to alternative accommodation was not considered as the Council has a limited stock of larger family accommodation, and none that would be suitable for a family of this size on the Sherwood side of the district.


We have previously carried out conversions of this nature in Newark; both properties are fully tenanted, and we are currently in the process of doing a similar conversion at Boughton for another family of nine.


Publication date: 05/11/2024

Date of decision: 05/11/2024

Effective from: 09/11/2024

Accompanying Documents: