Meetings and getting involved

Here you’ll find links to a range of information and documents around the Council’s decision-making processes.

Find out about forthcoming meetings and decisions, and find the details for your local political representatives.

Meeting information

Browse details of the various Council committee meetings. Read agendas as well as minutes and officer reports discussed at previous meetings. Information is also provided on dates of future meetings, and issues that will be discussed at these.

Elected representatives

Find information about your local councillors as well as details of the MPs who represent the areas of the Newark and Sherwood District.

Your elected representative can help if you have a problem or issue, or if you want to raise awareness of something in your area.

Get involved

Access and sign current ePetitions submitted to the Council, as well as finding information on ePetitions that have already been completed.

Subscribe to updates to receive information via e-mail regarding particular issues and committee meetings..